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The two policemen dumped everything they found on Sehun, taped up in bags, onto the desk. The pile included his phone, wallet, a box of drugs, and a large pile of 50,000 won notes. Daesung pulled out Sehun's silver plated gun and threw it onto the pyramid of evidence.

"Yah! Be careful with that! It was expensive." Sehun groaned as Taeyang inspected it for DNA samples.

"Alright. You're going to be put in your cell, and then in the morning, we're going to let you out to call family. You'll have your last meal straight after, and then you'll get the shot." Taeyang said rather emotionlessly as Daesung pushed him into the cell.

The mafia boss simply walked in before giving them a middle finger and sitting down on the mattress of his bed. The two police officers simply walked away.

"Hehe. They never find you, do they?" Sehun reached down into his jacket sleeve and pulled out his favourite gun, the gold on it shining with a holo effect as he smirked triumphantly. He was going to be out within the next hour.


"Luhan hyung!" Tao yelled as the deer jumped and opened his eyes. Exo was crowded around his bed, looking at him with unreadable expressions.

"Yah! Don't do that! It's really creepy..." Luhan shuddered as they looked down.

"They arrested Sehun." Was all Chanyeol said. They all turned to Luhan again with sympathy painted on their faces.

"Sehun-ah? Arrested? But-how long is he going to get?" His voice got caught in his throat as he asked the question.

The mobsters looked at each other and shared a glance. "Well technically, only a day." Xiumin sighed as Luhan sunk with relief. A day before he get's the lethal injection, at least...

Baekhyun looked up at the oldest person there and frowned.

"No, he's getting the death penalty, stupid-" he clapped his hands over his mouth and they all looked at the deer who's face turned unreadable this time.

"Death penalty?" He whispered as silence entered the room. The sympathetic looks he received told him every thing. 

His face crumpled and his body shook violently as he sobbed, Chen giving him a soothing hug. Even Kris looked upset, and he usually didn't care about anything. His wails of despair was the only thing that could be heard in the room.

"W-why aren't y-you guys g-going to h-help h-h-him?" He stuttered as his eyes turned glossy with tears. They looked at each other with uneasiness.

"There's nothing we can do. This happens all of the time, Luhan. Mafia bosses are caught and then they're given an injection. Kai will become the new Exo boss, right Kai?" Suho explained as Kai simply nodded slowly, a single tear rolling down his cheek. 

Luhan carried on crying into Chen's shoulder, blocking out everything. Only one thing truly registered in his mind- Sehun was going to die.

He thought it was his fault. He should have listened and never gone out without protection. And now, Sehun was paying the price for wanting to go outside.


Sehun jumped into his Lamborghini and sped off, the cage of his prison destroyed with just two bullets of his gun. He pulled out his phone which he had collected on the way and called the only number in his favourites: Lulu <3.

The phone ring for a few minutes before someone picked up. It wasn't Luhan.

"Boss!?" Kai yelled as sobbing could be heard in the background. Sehun simply greeted him with a "hello."

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