Chapter 17:Brother

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0 days left...(because I'm really lazy and I don't want this story to be stuck with fillers forever okay lol bye...)

Sehun fought his way through the club of drunken partygoers, Luhan clinging onto his arm with an iron grip, holding on as if his life depended on it. The deer squeaked as a man that reeked of alcohol got too close, making the mafia boss growl at the and pushed through the crowds of people with even more force than before. His eyes finally landed on a certain mobster trying to chat a girl in skimpy clothing and bounded towards him with long strides. Luhan almost had to run to catch up without being dragged from Sehun's speed.

The mafia boss stood behind the man, glaring at him as the girl notified him of Sehun's presence. He turned around to be met with a pair of emotionless eyes that were outlined with thin, smudged eyeliner.

"Boss!" he exclaimed nervously while the girl rolled her eyes and began to walk away to another man.

"We have to go, you know how much I hate parties-" Sehun began while pulling the deer into his chest and wound his arms around the slim waist protectively as people gave Luhan suggestive glances. Kai smiled. "And fun. And happiness. And emotion-"

"I get the point. But I've got to get Lu home. There are people who are looking at him the wrong way, and I don't like it. I one person dares try something, I wont hesitate to do something, and I won't regret it, either." Sehun warned as Kai straightened his posture and nodded.

"Okay. I'd tell Baekyeol, but as you can see-" He motioned towards a certain couple that were grinding against each other, "-They're doing their own thing. Get home safe, okay, Luhan?" The deer nodded sleepily before Sehun grasped his hand and ran outside speedily.

"Sehun-ah...I feel a little tired." Luhan groaned as Sehun pushed the emergency escape door open and led them outside. "Do you want me to carry you?" All traces of threat were gone, and replaced with a soft, warm tone that made Luhan blush and nod as Sehun scooped his weak frame up securely and held him close.

He took calculative steps through the dark, gloomy alleyway and Luhan laced his arms around Sehun's neck lazily. He had barely walked a meter when several muscular figures came from the street and charged down the alleyway at a surprisingly fast pace. Luhan his face in Sehun's chest as the mafia boss pulled at his gold plated gun and shot the shadowy silhouettes precisely in the head.

"! I forgot to reload before we went out!" He complained to himself as he used one arm to steady Luhan and the other to clutch his gun tight. Sehun estimated that only 3 more shots could be made before rendering his rather expensive weapon absolutely useless. A few more men emerged, and he shot again before kicking the other to the ground and slamming a booted foot over his face.

" Sehun-ah? Are we going to get hurt? I'm scared!" Luhan whimpered as Sehun swore in his mind. He whispered reassurances in the deer's ear, but as another group approached the couple, even Sehun couldn't be so sure of their safety anymore.

"You can put me down if you want, Sehun-ah. I'll hide really quickly. I don't want to be a burden on you..." Luhan whispered and Sehun reluctantly let him go. He knew he shouldn't, but he would have to fight physically, and protect both his and Luhan's lives.


Sehun had nothing more than a wound on his arm, as twenty-one unconscious bodies lay scattered around his feet. The men were weak, Sehun scoffed as he crawled his way over to Luhan, who was currently trying to calm himself down and prevent himself from having a panic attack/ mental breakdown.

"Sehun-ah..." The deer clutched onto Sehun's leather shirt as the tears slid down carefully, as if they were planning their path down the porcelain white cheeks. Sehun patted Luhan's shoulders as something lodged itself into his thigh, making him gasp dryly and sway around before collapsing into a heap on the ground.

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