Chapter 9

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Warning scene 18+ if u can't take smut please move to another chapter

"It won't hurt, Luhan. I promise you." Sehun reached his pinkie finger out and Luhan hooked his own around it silently. "If you don't want to do it, I can wait~" he husked into the deer's ear, sending a tingle down his spine.

Luhan sat up in bed, thinking everything through carefully. "I guess this is the least I can do after you saved my life... but please, let's not go all the way, I'm sort of scared..." Sehun nodded before leaning forward and pressing his lips into Luhan's, who relaxed into the kiss happily.

He tugged at Luhan's trousers slightly, indicating that he wanted them gone. Face painted red, the deer unbuckled his belt and slowly started to slide his pants down before stopping.

"We don't have to do this yet, you know..." Sehun rasped, making Luhan whine slightly. "No, but I'm the only one taking my clothes off~" he giggled, making Sehun roll his eyes and undo his shirt buttons before taking it off in one swift movement, throwing it to the side.

Luhan took a moment to adore Sehun's body, from the six pack abs to the chiselled chest to the muscular arms and broad shoulders. He had a great body, not too muscular like a crazy body builder, and not skinny like a twig either.

"I know I'm hot, but you don't need to literally drool over me," the corners of Sehun's mouth turned up slightly as he wiped the dribble coming out of Luhan's mouth.

"Oops! Sorry." Luhan blushed heavily, as he finished sliding off his trousers and placing them on the bedside cabinet in a messy pile.

Sehun hooked his fingers around the band of the deer's boxers and slowly started to take them off. He his lips at the sight in front of him before Luhan closed his legs shyly, causing Sehun to sigh softly.

"Come on, Luhan, open up!" He pretended to knock on the white skin of his thigh, making Luhan laugh and quietly open his legs again, for Sehun's eyes only, of course. It felt like they were a normal couple, not a mafia boss and his rescued hostage.

He threw his head back in pleasure when he felt long fingers curl around the base of his and had stared pumping very gently. Sehun caught the head of Luhan's member in his mouth before swirling his tongue around the slit and cleaning all of the pre- that had started to leak out of the tip, milking it lightly.

"Oooh!" Luhan moaned ally which turned Sehun on even more, knowing that the deer was enjoying his . He hard on the slightly-smaller-than-average-size-member, earning more moans and squeals when he did so.

Sehun pushed Luhan onto the bed and before releasing the member from his mouth with a satisfying pop. He then aimed his tongue slightly below cute and pressed it flat on the small hole, making Luhan's hips buck.

"You taste so good, Luhan," Sehun renarked after repeating the action a few times, lapping up all of the juices around Luhan's puckered hole. The deer couldn't speak as he was getting eaten out; he was losing his mind from the pleasure.

"I-I...I think I'm g-going t-to !" Luhan panted heavily, and Sehun switched back to pumping him to try and speed it up. He held his wide open mouth against the tip of Luhan's , ready and continuing to pump him slowly.

The deer squeaked loudly as he came a warm, white liquid into Sehun's waiting mouth, the mafia boss swelling it down willingly.

Hmm....kind of sweet, the mafia boss thought before hearing the sound of someone unbuckling his belt.

"You don't have to do anything for me, Luhan. Get some rest and s-" Sehun began, but the deer just looked at him oddly.

"But..." Luhan pointed towards the rather obvious tent in Sehun's black skinny jeans and the mafia boss sighed. "Please let me~" Luhan sang, puffing his cheeks cutely as he did so.

"...Fine. But don't blame me if it's too big for your pretty little mouth..." Sehun murmured, and he felt his jeans being tugged off, inch by inch.

Luhan slid the mafia boss's boxers off before gasping in surprise. Sehun was huge, probably about three of four more inches longer than him, and was also quite thick. Luhan looked bewildered for a second before leaning forward and pressing his lips to the side, moving up and down the length slowly. Sehun groaned a little from above him.

Being the inexperienced, innocent deer that he was, he went a little slow, but it didn't take away from the pleasure he was providing to the taller of the two of them.

He stuck his little tongue out and around the tip of the , before choosing to it instead, taking as much in as he could. He got about halfway down before coming up again, making a small gagging sound as he did so. Sehun moaned, and Luhan took it as a sign to carry on.

A few minutes later, Sehun came a hot, salty liquid into Luhan's mouth, and the deer gulped it down eagerly.

He patted the smaller boy's hair before rasping compliments into Luhan's ear, making him blush slightly.

"Best I've ever had, you know..." Sehun husked while climbing under the thick bed sheets that Luhan had thrown on, since it was so cold in the house.

"Best I've ever had too, I guess...I've kind of only done it with you..." Luhan admitted, cheeks burning from embarrassment as Sehun's hands clamped over his shoulders and spun him around so that they were facing each other in bed.

"That fact better stay the same."

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