Chapter 19:Dead

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The next morning, Sehun found himself in agony. His leg burnt like literal hell and he got beaten black and blue at least four times. Or maybe it was five. He felt so tired, but he knew that nightmares would await him if he drifted into sleep.

He wanted to know if Luhan was safe. If the deer was okay, it made the whole situation just a little bit better. But he knew that Luhan wasn't okay. He was vulnerable, emotionally and physically having not been trained to deal with these situations.

His hands grabbed a pocketknife that was forever stowed away in his jacket pocket and slid it against the ropes. It would take time, but the mafia boss knew that if he broke that one-knot, they would all fall apart. He would be able to escape. He would find Luhan.


"What do you find special in Sehun?" Lui's dominative voice lured over the small deer.

Luhan answered confidently while Lui narrowed his eyes. What a pathetic excuse for love. To Lui, love was about producing an heir that could do as good a job as you did. Maybe even better.

"But how do you know that Sehun really loves you back?" He questioned, a corrupted sort of triumph cut in his tone. Luhan froze, before relaxing. His hands gripped the black blanket that was wrapped around his increasingly thin frame.

When he didn't respond, Lui began to take threatening steps towards the boy, who shuddered and held his hands over his face defensively. Lui smirked and stopped walking.

Sehun had told him his true feeling lots of times, with an equal level of confidence that the deer used when speaking of the mafia boss.

"Because he told me. Not only through his words, but his actions also." Luhan's voice trailed off shyly.

"Sehun doesn't care for you. I know my brother- he's just using you for his own needs. That's what a true mafia boss would do." Lui's words cut into Luhan's heart one by one.

The deer thought back to the eavesdropping incident when the higher-ranking Exo members were playing poker in the basement. Sehun's words that he had trusted were a lie. Maybe he was too trusting of Sehun. Maybe the mafia boss really didn't care for him at all.

"Doubting yourself?" Lui mocked, laughing as if Luhan's feelings didn't exist.

"Never. Sehun does love me! You're wrong!" His voice cracked, giving away how desperate and broken he felt on the inside.

"You're chasing after him like that stupid deer drawing of yours. You keep going and going, but in the end it escapes to someone else, and you get hurt. The memories of it haunts you forever, doesn't it?" Lui cackled.

"Don't talk about that deer drawing! Sehun loves me. I love him! Our hearts belong to each other!" Luhan whispered softly, words fragile.

"Hmm. I would check over that if I were you." Lui slammed the metal door violently. As soon as the tall Chinese-Korean man left, Luhan broke down into tears, his body shaking. The words that he had heard about Sehun. The drugs, the and the murders. The newfound fear that had installed itself in Luhan. What if Sehun really was using him for his own selfish needs?


Halfway there...Sehun's pocketknife was doing surprisingly well against the thick binding, but his hands shook as his injury drained even more blood from him. The red liquid had actually seeped through into the tough rope; Sehun tried to ignore it and work through the rope quicker.

He could feel the rope hanging onto its final thread before breaking. The rest of binding fell away, leaving Sehun alone on the chair in the center of the room. His gaze fixated onto his left thigh, which was now covered in a vibrant red, even if you couldn't see it very well due to Sehun's fondness of wearing dark colours.

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