Chapter 24 : Police

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"W-what?" Luhan trembled as he felt his phone ring in his hand. The man snatched the object and threw it into the wall to their right that was covered in graffiti.

 "You heard me. You're not going to remember your name when I'm done with you." The man towered over the shivering little deer and backed him into a corner. Luhan gulped. He really should listen to Sehun more often.


Sehun threw his phone down in frustration in the passenger seat of Suho's car. Chen was fast asleep in the back, and Suho was driving with a worried expression.

 "He sounded really frightened, Sehun..." the "eomma" of Exo spoke as he turned a right. They were currently driving through the network of streets and roads that make up the Seoul underground.

 "I know. I told him this would happen! I said that if he went outside with no protection, he was in trouble! But noooo-" Sehun ranted rather childishly as Suho rolled his eyes. Sometimes he wondered how Sehun could be so childish in one minute and then be Asia's most feared mobster in the next.

 "Come on, Boss. We don't want Luhan to be hurt because you were complaining like a child to me, right? Track the call." Suho said calmly as Sehun huffed and pulled out his phone to track the call.

 A few seconds after, the location of his lover was revealed and Sehun paled before grabbing his gun and leaping out of the car. , ,

! If Luhan was in block 136 at 4:45 pm and fit a certain description...

 Sushi shouted at him in confusion, but the mafia boss simply waved him off. He glanced down at his phone screen while thinking back to the last target profile he had looked at in monthly filing.

 Jung Wonhyun, age 58, . Operated in blocks 134-142, usually 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm-common victims are young, pretty boys who display a lot of innocence.


"No! Please, let me go!" Luhan begged as he felt his body getting pinned against the wall behind him rather carelessly. The man growled and shoved Luhan's track suits down with force as the deer started to cry.

 "Stop! Stop!" He wept as the man ignored him and lifted his jumper over his head before throwing it into a muddy puddle. Luhan's knees buckled and he fell to the floor while the man simply flipped him over so that he was laying on his stomach.

 He felt fingers hook around his underwear as he kicked the man in the shin, earning a wail of pain before an iron grip settled itself on his hips. The man simply smiled at Luhan's pain before flinging the deer's boxers off. Luhan sniffled quietly in defeat as the man laughed.

 Luhan felt a finger prod around down there and he gasped when one forced itself in when he was still as dry as a bone, creating a huge amount of pain.

 "God, you shouldn't have kicked me like that, little boy. Now I'm going to show you no mercy." The little deer felt a large hand clamp around his mouth as he screamed, tears falling harder as the man shoved another finger inside.

 Then, the intruders of his now throbbing red entrance were gone. He sat up to find Sehun dragging the man to the floor and pointing his gun to the 's face. He smiled slightly before falling unconscious.


Sehun pointed his gun at Wonhyun's head before changing his mind and grabbing the man's head and pulling him up by the hair.

 "You worthless er. Which fingers did you use?" Sehun growled and Wonhyun held up his 2nd and 3rd finger smugly to the mafia boss.

 "Was it just me, or did your little enjoy my-arghhhh!" He screamed as Sehun broke the two fingers in one motion and a sickening crack.

 "You..." Wonhyun began before a bullet embedded itself in his forehead and Sehun stood up. Gun concealed in his trousers pocket, he ran to Luhan, who lay unconscious on the grimy pavement of the underground.

 "Oh, Lu..." he pulled the deer's boxers and tracksuit bottoms back up his weak, pale legs before he took off his jacket and hung it around Luhan's shoulders. Sehun takes his fingers through the deer's wild hair, trying to smooth it out, when bright lights practically blinded him.

 For a few moments, Sehun didn't know what was going on before it was too late. Something clamped around both of his wrists and he was thrown into a back of a van. But not just any van. 

 A police van.

 "We've arrested Oh Sehun, block 136. Yeah. Looks like he was trying to assault a young man who is unconscious as of right now...yeah. Great." Sehun's eyes widened in shock before speaking to the second policeman in the car.

 "I wasn't trying to assault him, I was helping him from a man that actually did try and him!" He stated as the policeman raised an eyebrow.

 "You? An untrustworthy mafia boss trying to help someone? Even if you were, we've got you down for multiple charges of murder and drug trafficking." He said rather monotonously as his parter opened the door and got in.

 Sehun spun around to see Luhan being carried into an ambulance. Not awake yet. He could hear the policemen discussing his fate.

 "What do you think he'll get, Daesung?" The second policeman asked as they drove off, Sehun staying silent. It seemed like an eternity before Daesung scoffed.

 "Taeyang, there is no doubt in my mind that Oh Sehun is going to get the death penalty."



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