Chapter 22:Party

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There are going to be loads of people at this event, okay, Lu? Just stay close to me or the other Exo members and you’ll be fine.” Sehun pulled his thin black tie down while Baekhyun was finishing his eye makeup. Luhan nodded and took a sip out of his water bottle.

“Boss! Stop moving your eyes, I can’t apply your eyeliner properly if you carry on talking!” Baekhyun snapped as Sehun slowly opened his eyes and gave him a deadly side glare. The diva stiffened and laughed nervously. “Sorry, I’m used to doing Chanyeol’s makeup. He's a bit of a wimp...I’ll get on with it now.” Sehun closed his eyes again and felt something cold and liquid being pressed against his lash line.

“God, why did I agree to let you do this? If that thing gets in my eyeball, I am going to stab you.” He threatened. Luhan sat there, admiring Baekhyun’s makeup collection. For a ferocious mobster, Baekhyun had a nice gathering of colorful eye shadows and eyeliner pencils.

He remembered the diva's rant about the latest foundation shades and how they weren't light enough for his skin tone. When Luhan looked at the variety of bottles, they looked the exact same. Something about undertones, Baekhyun had explained, and with that, Luhan came to a very firm conclusion. Baekhyun was extremely picky with what he would spend his well-earned money on, and also knew a whole ton of crap.

The conversation behind him carried on after Baekhyun had warned him about being careful with the latest eyeliner that he had brought. Something about it being 'expensive' and 'one of a kind.'

“But you usually wear eyeliner, right? How do you do yours? Do you want a wing?” Baekhyun asked as he finished outlining Sehun’s right eye. The mafia boss opened his eyes and gave Baekhyun a weird look before lifting his hand and making a straight-line motion in the air.

“Well, unlike you and your math degree method, I usually just take the pencil and draw some random line on my eye. Isn’t that how everyone does it? And what the hell is a wing?” Baekhyun sighed and declared a “Doesn’t matter,” before working on Sehun's left eye instead. Everybody in the room was silent as Baekhyun glided the black stick over Sehun's eye.

His tongue stuck out as he focused- a habit, Chanyeol had said. He had said something about needing full concentration. It was almost finished when-

Chanyeol burst into the room, making Baekhyun’s hand jump violently; the liquid eyeliner going all across Sehun’s eyelid and almost dip into his eye.

“Oh! Sorry! I was looking for Tao!” The giant chirped and slammed the door behind him, and both Baekhyun and Luhan turned to the mafia boss, who’s left eye was now covered in black product. Sehun huffed in irritation before making a knife gesture.



"Whoa, Boss! You look good!" Chen gave Sehun a thumbs up before clicking his seatbelt in and pulling out his phone. The rest of half of the Exo members agreed, giving him compliments as Luhan simply stared.

"You could have worn something a little more casual, though. Do you only have the smartest of smart suits in that wardrobe of yours?" Kai poked fun at Sehun's very formal black suit before pointing to his own outfit- an oversized designer tie dye shirt and ripped jeans.

"Yeah! Stop being such a rotten egg, Boss!" Chanyeol laughed, his wolf hat tied around his chin. Sehun scoffed.

"Please. I'm a civilized egg, thank you very much. At least I don't dress like a nerd who doesn't have any friends having their first birthday party at five years old...” he grumbled as Kai started the ignition of his Range Rover and sped off.

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