Chapter 10:Colour

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Six-year-old Luhan was bent over his colouring book, shading in a deer picture. He had spent the entire school day on it, and he wasn't going to lie- he was quite proud of his creation. Luhan had friends (he was actually quite popular) but he needed full focus when it came to drawing. He was about to colour the deer's bow tie in red when a large shadow was cast over his small desk. The school bully, Wang Lui.

"Hey, Little Girl-oh wait, it's Luhan!" Lui and his little entourage cackled, making Luhan whimper slightly before carrying on shading in his picture. "Stupid. I'm talking to you! Is he deaf?" The bully whispered to his friends loudly, making them snicker. "Boy? You're more girl than boy." he heard Lui's best friend laugh.

"I bet he doesn't even have a thingy down there!" Two girls behind him whispered to each other, making Luhan's eyes sting with tears. His friend had begun to shout at the mean children, while another older girl just glared at them. Both methods were equally as effective.

"I'm a boy." The deer deadpanned slightly before picking up a blue pencil and starting to add some colour to the eyes. Lui elbowed him sharply, practically digging his elbow into Luhan's ribcage. "No, you're not. Maybe you're blind too!" all of the boys that had circled around him snorted.

"Alright class, breaktime!" Miss Zhou announced, and the entire class immediately got up and ran to the playground, screaming and laughing as they went. Lui pushed Luhan to the floor roughly, almost making him cry as he picked himself up from the floor and adjusted his sunshine yellow jumper, brushing off the dust.

"Luhan? Are you okay?" the teacher rushed over to help the little boy before he nodded his head. "I just fell over...I'm alright!" He lied through his teeth and gave Miss Zhoe a small thumbs up before scrambling to join the others in the playground.

Lui noticed the almost finished drawing on Luhan's desk and tore it out of its book. He stuffed it carelessly in his pocket before running outside, clearly not respecting who the drawing was meant for.
"I won't hurt you, Luhan. I promise." Lui stated in a mocking tone before sticking out his stubby pinky finger towards Luhan's little face. His entourage sniggered, pointing at him and repeating nasty things. Lui smirked as he pulled out a familiar piece of paper, making Luhan's face crumple when he recognised it. The deer drawing. He tried to grab at the paper, but Lui only held it up high, laughing.

"You want this pathetic thing? Then go get it." He released the paper, making it fly in the air to the opposite side of a road that connected their school to the local park. The cars tend to move down there fast, even if the school's sign said only 10 miles an hour. Parents were always with their children when crossing that road.

Luhan didn't think. He ran towards the general direction of the paper, jumping over the fence of the playground before crossing the road without a second of delay. The last thing he saw for the next week was that paper, floating away with the wind peacefully before something collided into his side, knocking him into the side of the road.

The drawing was for his mum. The kind woman with the brilliant smile and beautiful personality. The woman who would give her time for charity in her free time. The person who made the world brighter only with just her presence. But two years ago, the world became slightly darker, and now she was remembered by a marble stone which Luhan and his dad would go to every Friday after Luhan finished school. Every week, he would place a new drawing on the gravestone, but that week there would be no drawing. For the next five weeks, nothing was at her grave except for rotting flowers. Six-year-old Luhan had been in a coma for five weeks.
Luhan woke up, gasping for air, before realising that he was having an anxiety attack. He had relived that memory so many times. He could just about hear Sehun's steady breathing next to him as he tried to calm himself down. Deep breaths. Inhale...Exhale. It wasn't working, and Luhan panicked, even more, when his throat became dry. Was he going to die right then and there?

"Luhan? Are you okay?" the deer heard a voice from behind him, only making his panic attack worse as it reminded him of Miss Zhou's concern. Luhan shook his head quickly as he heard Sehun shuffle around behind him slightly before trying to get a grip on his breathing again.

Sehun sat cross-legged in front him, before putting his hand to his chest and breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly. Luhan tried to follow his example, taking a few tries before matching his breathing pattern and relaxing.

"You had a nightmare. Want to talk about it?" Sehun asked, and Luhan shook his head. It was embarrassing to admit, being bullied and almost killed when he was six. The last person he wanted to tell was Sehun, who was peering at him with very slight concern.

"Okay. If you say so..." Sehun sighed, while Luhan flopped back down on the soft mattress, Sehun tucking the duvet over him carefully before sliding back into bed. He would find out sooner or later. The mafia boss glanced towards the deer whose head laid on his broad right shoulder before drifting into sleep. Maybe it can wait.

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