Chapter 6:Lie

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The higher-ranking members of the top Korean mafia group, Exo, sat around a round table with cards in hand, playing poker.

They barely made eye contact with each other, just putting in a bet before carrying on playing. Sehun's silver grey hair reflected the pale moonlight slightly as he laid down and a card. Everybody else around the table glanced at it before either rolling their eyes or pouting and handing Sehun their part of the bet.

Sehun's right arm reached out at the pyramid of money that had appeared in the middle of the table before sweeping it over to his side. They all laid down a new set of money and started again.

It took a few more rounds for someone to finally break the tense atmosphere around them.

"So Boss, have you really warmed up to the hostage?" Kai spoke up, causing Sehun's head to snap up. The other men looked at their boss curiously, as if they had wanted to ask the same question as well.

"That thing? No. We work in a dangerous environment, and I have no time for romance. You know how it is. A so called lover is only used to produce a child to take over when you die." Sehun explained matter-of-factly, while all of the men nodded along sadly.

They knew the rules in order of importance when it comes to the mafia. Rule 1: Don't get attached to anyone. Doing so puts both your and their life in danger, and a partner should only be used to produce an heir.

"Why did you think I saved him? He's got a pretty face and a pretty body. He will make the perfect heir maker, but I couldn't care less for him otherwise. He doesn't even know our language! Luhan cries too easily, weak, rather pitiful and four ing years older than me." Sehun snorted, although everybody knew that he was lying though his perfect white teeth.

Small pale feet pattered lightly from the other side of the door, and they all froze.

"Do you think he might have heard us?" Xiumin peered towards the slightly ajar door of the basement. Kris muttered an "obviously," and Suho jabbed the taller Chinese man hard in the ribs.

Sehun knew on the inside that, yes, he had started to develop real feelings towards Luhan, but he willed himself to stop. Enemy groups would soon find out, and use your new weakness to their advantage. Luhan's life would be in danger, and it would be because Oh Sehun, heartless mafia boss, had developed a school-kid-like-crush on him.

He had originally saved Luhan because he had imagined doing...nineteen plus things to him. However, although he would never admit it, he found himself falling for the deer's cute facial expressions and shy but quirky personality.

"Better go up and comfort him, Sehunnie..." Suho spoke softly from the other side as he placed a huge pile of cash in front of him.

"He probably didn't understand a word of it anyway, he doesn't know any ing Korean!" Sehun faked a laugh mockingly before returning to his cards.

"He spoke fluent Korean with me before know... captured him," Kai wondered aloud. Baekhyun nodded, his hand reaching out to pat down Chanyeol's wild hair.

"I have a feeling that he's faking not knowing any Korean. There's a clear accent that he's trying to cover up." The boy with the eyeliner spoke, stating his very bold theory.

Sehun, who was obviously defeated, kicked his chair behind him that fell to the floor with a high pitched screech. The mafia boss stormed to the door and flung it open, before letting it slam loudly. If there was anything he hated, it was when his hyungs would actually prove a point against him and all agree on it.

He reached his bedroom door and gently slid it open. He could hear the sound of sheets immediately shuffling around, and when he stepped inside of the room, saw a person inside a blanket bundle so close to the edge that if you were to give it a slight push, they would fall off straight away.

"Luhan?" The taller of the two crept towards the blanket bundle, as silent was the night itself. His hands grabbed the blanket and unrolled it, revealing a very upset and dejected deer, curled up with a Bambi plush toy.

He crouched down so that he was eye-level to the Chinese boy. "I know you can speak fluent Korean, so just listen to me." Luhan fixed his eyes on the plush toy before Sehun grabbed it and threw it across the room.

The deer sighed and fixed his eyes on Sehun's dress shirt instead. "I'm not taking that off and throwing it across the room as well, just so you know." Sehun joked, making Luhan smile a little.

"Is that really how you feel about me?" Luhan asked in a small voice, his Korean now miraculously clear and fluent, not weird and lopsided.

Sehun sighed. This was going to be difficult to explain. "Well, I..." he began in his baritone speech before being cut off. " To you, am I just some kind of that will provide a child for your needs?" Luhan spoke, volume raising a notch.

"I can't openly say my true feelings. I never have and I don't think I ever can. If enemy groups think that I have feelings for you, your life will be in danger." Sehun spoke with a harsh undertone, but Luhan didn't quite understand.

"You said that I was just somebody who you were going to fill up with kids! You don't have feelings for me. I bet that you don't even have any enemy groups. I don't know what to believe anymore!" Luhan burrowed into the sheets, refusing to let any fragile tears show.

Sehun stood up. He just wanted to get into bed, sleep, comfort Luhan and explain the situation clearly. He came back into his bedroom after brushing his teeth and changing, but Luhan was gone.

Ping! A text. It wasn't a contact, but Sehun recognised the number. Shinee group, whom Exo was connected with. Many of the members of Exo were friendly with the members of Shinee, so they were like allies.

groups know about that hostage of yours. You have to get him, now. Minho.

. Luhan was in serious trouble if he, Sehun's kind-of-lover, went out there, unprotected, and enemy groups knew about him. He would be dead, or even worse, taken as hostage by another group.

Every last 10000 won bill he had earned from poker that night said that Luhan would be dead within an hour of Sehun couldn't find him quickly enough.


Luhan walked out into the pitch black landscape of the night, dressed in an oversized jumper and black tracksuits. He made his way through the park before hearing a rustling noise nearby. Luhan stopped, but couldn't hear anything else, so carried on his 2:00 morning stroll, humming softly to himself. Then someone leapt out and clapped their hand over his mouth, before dragging him into the darkness.

Five minutes later, thick black rope was secured around his body. He had a blindfold on, and a piece of duct tape was thrown over his mouth. Two men in matching uniform loomed over him.

"Tell us what you know about Oh Sehun." The first one grumbled, his blunt voice creating a vice grip round Luhan's heart. He shook his head. He didn't want Sehun to be in trouble. His thoughts had barely surfaced when a sharp, excruciating electric current coursed though out his body, making Luhan scream though the tape.

"Tell us or die. It's only on 200 volts, little one. It can go up to 5000 if you really want..." Luhan's eyes widened before hanging his head low. "I'll ask again. Tell us everything you know about Oh Sehun, or you and him both die."

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