Chapter 15:Shot

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5 days later

Kai had taken down the man who had kidnapped Sehun, and the two were now driving back to the mansion.

"How's Luhan?" Sehun's powerful, stoic voice broke the silence in the car. Kai shifted around uncomfortably and adjusted his grip on the driving wheel.

"Luhan didn't know that you had disabled the electric chair-but that stupid guy didn't realise it either. He thought that you were actually going to die. Poor thing." Kai sighed in sympathy. There was a time, believe it or not, that he was also innocent and pure (kind of) and thought that such things could happen to someone of power.

"Was Kyungsoo still with him when you left?" Sehun inquired, and Kai nodded in response. He parked outside and opened the door before letting Sehun in first.


He bent down over the blanket pile on his bed and smiled. "Lu? Wake up!" Sehun whispered into Luhan's ear, making Luhan wake up from his slumber and immediately hug the taller man tight.

"Sehun-ah! Sehun-ah! I thought" he sniffled as Sehun kicked off his shoes and wrapped himself in the duvet and blanket. Luhan readjusted himself so that Sehun could slide himself into the covers easier.

The mafia boss swept Luhan's tears away using the pads of his thumbs. "I'm an expert in these things. You just reach behind you and criss cross the wires, and you don't get shocked." Luhan nodded along slowly.

"What about the spasms and the pain...?" He burrowed his face into the crevice of Sehun's thick neck as the taller of the two chuckled softly.

"I'm an amazing actor, I guess." He answered, making Luhan smile and giggle cheekily.

"I have to go to a job in an hour's time, so don't worry about me if I'm gone, okay?" Sehun said quietly as he raked his fingers through Luhan's fluffy honey brown hair. Luhan shook his head furiously and clung to Sehun's muscular pale arm in protest.

"No!" Luhan cried out, making Sehun glance behind him and sigh inwardly.

"I think it would be a bit too much for you, Lu. Stay here, I'll get Suho to take care of you, okay?" Sehun tried to grab his suit jacket, but Luhan clung on.

"I'll go with you! I'll help you! I'll-" Luhan began, only to have Sehun glance at him with his poker face.

"Unless you want to go to a crappy casino and seduce the worst e there, then I would stay here." Sehun said simply.

"You seduce es?" Luhan's expression was now hurt mixed with a little jealousy and shock.

"You never actually have ual with them. Oral ? Sure. Once they've fallen for you, you kill them. Only seduce them if you need to get some money off of them." Sehun explained quickly, making Luhan's whole body sink in relief before he realised something again.

"Oral only. Wait-You kill them?" He squeaked, as Sehun adjusted his watch and grabbed his handgun.

"Well yeah. Duh. If you're going to come with me, you're going to have to do something useful." Sehun turned to the deer, face serious. Luhan stiffened as he glanced at the gun.

"You need to pull the trigger for me."


"Why do I have to do it? You never usually need help!" Luhan grumbled as he fiddled with the expensive weapon, eyes guilty.

"Because I can't carry dead weight with me." Sehun said simply as he pulled up into the casino car park.

They got out and walked into the entrance, where Luhan got asked for ID because he apparently looked about ten. Sehun snickered as the deer pulled out a card reluctantly.

The target was, no surprise, Kim Gwang-young, sitting alone on a bar stool. Luhan glanced at Sehun worriedly; he didn't want to see Sehun give someone else pleasure. He didn't want someone else making Sehun feel good. The jealousy boiled up in him as Sehun said to remember the plan and walked up to her.

They engaged in conversation, and Luhan ran to her room, hiding himself. The door was pushed open, revealing a massive bed, wardrobe next to it, and a strong scent of body odour that made Sehun wrinkle his nose.

"Come on, handsome. Sit on the bed and let Gwang-Young do the work for you..." her stinky breath went right into Sehun's nostrils, making him throw up a little on the inside.

She palmed his package, which was not hard. Sehun refused to get any attraction to her, and she frowned when she noticed it was flaccid.

"Do you want me to help down there become a bit more excited, handsome?" She asked, nasally voice at its peak of irratation.

"Sure..." he said, trying not to sound too disgusted. He glanced back at a jealousy filled Luhan and sent him a wink, the signal to pull the trigger in exactly one minute. The deer counted the seconds on his watch.

She unbuckled his belt and slid his trousers down before taking his boxers down with it.

"Wow! Not even erect and it's so big!" She admired before giving the most awful that Sehun had in his life.

He pretended to enjoy it rolling his hips slightly and grabbing her hair, but inside he just wanted for Luhan to pull the trigger.

He glanced down at his watch. Approximately ten seconds left. She tried to lower down, making him immediately shove her head back over . Nobody goes that far, not even Luhan.

A shot rang out, hitting her straight through the chest, dead. Luhan stared down at the gun guiltily. He had just taken a life. Xi Luhan had killed someone. Sehun put his clothing back on and buckled his belt.

"Come here, Lu." Sehun ordered, but his tone was soft. The deer walked forward, dropping the gun, and collapsed against Sehun's side.

"It's okay. You did a great job...I'm really proud of you. This is why we don't go with me when I have a job, okay?" Sehun whispered into the deer's ear, who only nodded along in response.

He got up and searched her room for money and drugs. It turns out that a e at the casino only has makeup, dresses and the filthy room she would lure people to.

"Well that was a waste. Stupid Kris...said that we could get the money..." Sehun mumbled before turning back to Luhan.

"Were you jealous?" He asked with a smirk drawn across his face, making Luhan go bright red.

"Well yeah...a little..." the deer smiled, embarrassed. Sehun drew his hand out and winded it around the deer's slim waist.

"Come on. I'll give you something at home that Gwang-whatever didn't get here..." he husked quietly as people outside started staring enviously. It's not everyday you see a super hot but really cute couple literally ready to pounce on each other.

"Really?" Luhan leaned in a little and pointed at the mafia boss's crotch area, making Sehun look at him strangely.

"What? No! I meant food..." Sehun muttered, chuckling as Luhan went a much darker shade of red. "But if you want it that bad, I can think of something we can do after that..."

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