Chapter 12:Bully

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The next morning, Sehun was in scary mode again when he found out that the other members of Exo couldn't bargain the price of new drugs lower at the meeting. He stormed out of the meeting room and left them to clean up the shattered vase on the floor.

That night was laced with another nightmare. This time Luhan was woken up by a very alert Sehun, who had almost been kicked out of bed from his dream. The tears stung his eyes as Sehun embraced the deer in a warm hug.

"Now. Please tell me what your nightmare is about." Sehun used his authorative tone and the deer jumped a little with surprise.

"...No." Was all he mumbled as he breathed in Sehun's cologne. The mafia boss sighed loudly. He didn't want to have to do it, but it looked like he had no other choice.

"Look at me." The taller of the two stated as Luhan shifted his body to look at Sehun's perfect face.

Sehun jutted out his lower lip, filled his eyes with fake tears and puffed up his cheeks. Aegyo.

"Aww! Sehun-ah is so cute~" Luhan cheered loudly as he played with Sehun's cheeks.

"That's not the point. It's to make you reveal your secrets to me..." Sehun made a face at the end, making Luhan laugh.

"I'll tell you if you do more cute aegyo for me~" Luhan sung, thinking that Sehun wouldn't actually do it. A mafia boss doing aegyo to their probably-lover? ...In Sehun's case, yes.

He made the same face and Luhan started to play with his cheeks again, giggling softly. Sehun gave him a stern look then to remind the deer what the aegyo was for.

"Wang Lui. He was my pre-school bully and he carried on all the way until high school. I was almost killed by a car because he was being a big jerk." Luhan claimed in one breath, but Sehun understood well enough.

"Wang Lui? What does he look like?" Sehun got up and inspected criminal files until he found the name. Luhan began to describe him and Sehun stopped at the 'W' section. There.

Wang Lui. Owed the Korean Mafia 2,000,000 won. (£1430 or $1780) Stole a lot. Killed a person once from bullying. Lived in the Haidian district of Beijing, but his exact location is unknown.

"This him?" Sehun interrupted, and from the way Luhan froze from fear by the picture alone told him enough. Sehun took the file and pinned it the board, under the heading 'MOST IMPORTANT.'

"There. Now if one of my men find him, they will call me to beat the out of him for you, okay?" Sehun patted Luhan's fluffy hair as the deer nodded slowly.

"How do you know him?" Luhan asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Let's just say that he borrowed a lot of money from us, but has been off the grid ever since we went to go and...collect the payment back." Sehun answered mysteriously.

"Ohhhh!" The deer exclaimed. "Sehun-ah, what does off the grid mean?" He wondered aloud and Sehun began to explain when a loud ring cut him off.

"Hello?" Sehun's monotone voice rang through the whole room. Only silence could be heard from the other side of the line. Luhan froze from fear.

"Hello?" The mafia boss's impatience wrapping around his voice like a snake as the silence droned on.

"What the do you want!?" Sehun shouted into the phone. He was about to cut the call off when someone finally spoke. Someone all too familiar to the deer who was paralysed in fear on the bed.

"Oh Sehun." The voice crackled."I know who you've got with you. Xi Luhan..." Wang Lui's voice could be heard from Sehun's phone, filling every space of the room. It had gotten deeper, but there was a twinge in his voice that told Luhan that it was very much Lui.

"So what if I do?" Sehun's tone was still calm, even if Luhan looked like he had just seen about a hundred ghosts.

"We're going to take him hostage from you, and kill him if you can't pay us some money." Lui's voice made Luhan's expression even more frightened. The deer stared at Sehun, who looked like he couldn't care less.

"Well done for telling me your little plot. I can now track your number and see your location." The mafia boss's voice was filled with mockery as he clapped sarcastically.

"This number is untraceable, Sehun-ah." The last word made both Sehun and Luhan equally as puzzled.

"You little !" Sehun shouted as he pulled a camera from the sliding door, smashing it with his shoe heel.

"But you never noticed until know. Don't underestimate me. It's not wise." Lui's voice went crazy as he laughed, the sound resembling a choking pig.

Sehun cut off the phone and scooped up Luhan's slim frame, rocking it as the deer whimpered and cried softly.

"Don't worry. The top ten men of Korea's top mafia group are here. They're idiots, but I trust them with my life. There will be at least six of them in the house at anytime. I won't let anything happen to you." Sehun whispered into the small ear, as Luhan stopped crying and peered up at him with glossy eyes.

"You won't?" He repeated unsurely, and Sehun nodded confidently. But inside, he doubted himself a little. If this stupid called Wang Lui could put a camera in his room without being caught or making a sound, Sehun wasn't sure what he was capable of doing anymore.

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