Chapter 18:Truth

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Sehun's expression became so unreadable that it was like he was a book that was not only closed but had been thrown into a prison cell and someone had thrown away the key. That person being Wang Lui-or before the disagreement, Oh Lui-Hun.

He stared up at his older sibling before spitting blood into his face. Lui snarled and swept it off in an animalistic manner. He bent down and slapped Sehun in the face again; creating a harsh sting that ran across the younger's features.

"The Oh family hated me for reasons that were not fair. I was the first heir, not you, little brother. Who could have cared for poor Oh Lui-Hun with the bipolar disorder? As soon as eomma and appa found out, they made you and sent me away!" Lui screamed into his dongsaeng's ear wildly as he charged around Sehun's chair in wild steps. "I was stuck in that orphanage for years in Haidan! Now, I'm going to torture you to the point where I can finally take over the Korean mafia like I truly deserve! I'll sell Luhan to make money and be respected for once! Eomma and appa will regret ever sending me away and choosing you!"

Sehun held his head away from Lui's strong breath and glared before speaking.

"How do you expect me to react? I was four years old for 's sake! What could I possibly have done, huh? I didn't know what eomma and apps were doing to you!" His powerful baritone voice faltered a little as he continued. "Torture me all you want. I'm not going to hand over the Korean mafia to you, Lui! Just don't sell Luhan, send him back. You can even send him back to Haidan, just so I know that he will be safe from you! I'll let you do whatever you want to me!"

His voiced cracked as Lui's hands grasped at Sehun's pale white neck, strangling him with an iron grip. He held on until Sehun started going blue before letting go harshly. "Luhan will be mine to use by the end of this week. He'll be so broken that the will listen to any command I give him! You, on the other hand, will be dead, little brother. How could you not recognize your hyung's voice last week? My name?" Lui ranted furiously as Sehun struggled against the ropes again.

"You changed." Was all Sehun said. "I thought my brother still had a little bit of dignity left, but you proved me wrong." Mistake. The mafia caught a glimpse of a sharp metal object before it plunged into his thigh.

He didn't scream. To do so would be cowardly, and so he only grunted slightly as the knife left his flesh slowly, dragging out the pain torturously. He thought that he had been left alone with his thoughts and new wound, but an excruciating pain interrupted his thought process. Nothing he had experienced was that painful, ever. He screamed that time.

The salt lingered in his blood stained leg as Lui walked out of the room with thundering steps as his combat boots stomped down on the concrete. He opened the door before glaring back at his younger brother.

"You feel the pain?" Sehun didn't respond. Lui huffed impatiently at how stoic his dongsaeng was.

"You are the salt in the wound that is my life."


Luhan woke up on the cold hard floor of Lui's basement. He yelped and screamed as he felt many people around him, doing things to him that he would only let Sehun do. But these people were not Sehun. They had no love or care in their touches, and their filthy, ed eyes were clouded in a violent lust for the deer.

They finished with Luhan and left before another group came in and did the same. The deer was hurt all over, and he wanted only one person to hold him and comfort him. Oh Sehun.

But he never came. The Chinese boy had never truly felt so alone and so scared when he realized what had happened to him. Sehun must have been taken too. He wondered how the mafia boss felt: alone, scared, and vulnerable? Probably not. But it was how Luhan felt without his lover. Alone in a sprawling room. Scared if more men would arrive. Vulnerable because of his weak state.

A loud, deep yelp could be heard throughout the entire narrow corridor. Even if Luhan had never heard his lover openly scream with pain, he knew it was Sehun. His heart cracked upon hearing the sound. Whatever was happening to the mafia boss, it must hurt a lot. Too much. Luhan psychically fell to the floor upon trying to stand and press a curious, fearful ear against the door.

He resorted to simply crawling to the door and eavesdrop on a man on the other side of the rusted metal door. "Why is Oh Sehun my brother? Why did he take my place? The Oh family is nothing but a group of filthy liars." Lui's voice rumbled lowly, making Luhan's heart stop for real.

Brothers? His place? Oh family? No. It can't be! Sehun and Lui couldn't possibly be related could they?

Another press of an ear against the cold metal revealed so much more. So much more about the horrors of the Oh family. So much more about the horrors of Oh Sehun.

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