Chapter 3

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Klaus's POV

I woke up by Elijah's voice "wake up brother, we're having a family breakfast." I went downstairs and I saw a table full of delicious food. 

"Who made all of this?" I asked. 

"I did" Rebekah said. " I thought it would be nice to spend to morning together, I can't even remember the last time we did that" she added. I felt happy sitting there with my whole family, with Elijah, Rebekah, Freya, Kol and Finn. 

The only one missing was Caroline.. I flinched at the thought of her name and I quickly removed that thought so that I could enjoy the family dinner. For once in a very long time, there were no problems with my family. We were all laughing and talking the whole morning, when breakfast was over I decided to take a shower but before doing so I decided to take a quick look at my phone to see if anyone needed me. I was already hoping not cause I wanted a rest day. When I saw that I had a missed call, I rolled my eyes but then I saw who the caller was. 

"Caroline.." I whispered. Why would she call me? I didn't talked to her since she gave me her confession in the woods (btw:the phone call from season 7 didn't happen) Maybe she changed her mind.. I couldn't help but smile at that thought. Then I got all worried "what if something happend to her??" I decided to just call her.

C: "Hello..."

K: "Hello love is something wro..."

C: "...I'm not available right now. Call me back later. "

Of course.. voicemail I thought. 

Caroline's POV

a couple hours earlier 

My phone rang, it was elena. 

C: "Hey Elena, did you arrive?" I asked trying to sound excited. 

E: "Yes, it is so beautiful here!"She said. 

C: "I have to ask you something" I said. 

E: "yes?" 

C: "Okay is it weird that hum.. I.. kinda... hum.." 

E: "Caroline, spill the beans!" she said in a laughing way. 

C: "Is it weird that a had a dream of Klaus?" ... Elena didn't say anything "Elena??" 

E: "No it's not weird, I mean you had a strong connection with him and with all of your loss.. it's normal." 

C: "Okay thank you... but what do you think it means?" I asked. 

C: "I don't know Care, maybe you miss him?" and then she added "Maybe you should go see him, I mean he is not my favorite person in the world but I don't want you to be alone." 

C: "Really... I mean.. he is still Klaus.." 

E: "I know Care, but I also know that he is different with you.. better." 

C: "I don't know.." I said. 

E: "Care, do you remember what he told you that one day? He is your first love I intend t.." 

C: I finished her sentence "to be your last, however long it takes." "You're right Elena, I should just go see him, just to say hello and then I will see.." 

E: "Care I have to go... and yeah you should do that." 

C: "bye Elena, talk to you soon!"                                                        

I knew she was right, I packed my suitcase and I went to the airport. "One ticket for New Orleans" I said in a friendly way. When I got in the plane, I started to doubt myself, what if he moved on, what if he didn't care about me anymore?? I couldn't go back now, if he didn't care anymore, then I just leave and move on as well. But I had to try at least. I quickly fell asleep while listening to some music.

I woke up by people clapping, we had arrived, "why do people clap?" I asked myself annoyed. But we had arrived, when I got out of the plane I turned my phone back on. I saw that I had 2 missed calls.

1 from Elena. "Hey Care, did you already arrive? Call me soon, I have to tell you something!" I heard how excited Elena was so the news must be good.

1 from Klaus. He didn't leave a voicemail. I decided not to call back since I would be seeing him soon.

Klaus's POV 

There must be something wrong, I quickly got ready to go to Caroline, I had to see her. 

"I'm leaving to mystic falls" I shouted. 

"What..!!" Rebekah said. I ignored her. 

"What's the matter, brother?" Elijah asked. 

"I think something is wrong with Caroline, I have to check on her." I said with worry in my voice. 

"Really Caroline, that girl again.." Kol said in a annoyed way. 

"I thought you were over her??" Rebekah said. 

"Who the hell is Caroline?" Freya asked. 

"Why do you think that, brother?" Elijah asked. 

"Because she.." I was cut of by the sound of footsteps. they came closer and closer. When I say who it was I stood there in shock. 

"Caroline..." I said. "Klaus.. " she said 

Caroline's POV

I was so nervous..But I had to do this. I walked to his house and I already heard him. He was talking about me. 

"I think something is wrong with caroline" I heard him say. He seemed worried. I just kept walking, I noticed they all stopped talking cause they knew someone was coming. When I entered the house, I saw Klaus 

"Caroline..." he said. In shock I couldn't get anything else out then "Klaus.."

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