Chapter 22

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Caroline's POV

"This is terrible, imagine what Elena is going through right now...she can't defend herself! She's human now and what about Damon?? Huh? He gave up being a vampire to spend a human life with her, it's been like what? A couple months and she's already in danger..." I said as tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"Don't worry love, we will find her" Klaus said as he cupped my face in his hands, cleaning my tears with his thumb.

"But what if-"

"-no love..we will find her and she will remain unharmed no matter what, I will make the person who did this suffer" it almost looked like Klaus cared, like he felt remorse for Damon and Elena.

I still wasn't convinced but I decided to be a bit positive...being negative wasn't going to help. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Klaus said.

"Damon Salvatore is here, were you expecting him?" Elijah said.

"Yes, send him in" I said impatiently.

Damon came in, he looked devastated. I immediately got up and hugged him. This was not the Damon I met all those years ago...this Damon was scared and vulnerable.

"Damon, I need you to calm down and to tell us what happened." I said.

He tried to talk normally, without much luck. 

"After you left, we decided to take a walk. Elena wanted to look at the sunset." he said giving a small smile at the memory. "So..we were walking, talking about the places we wanted to go when all of the sudden a man showed up, he said something to Elena that I still don't get...his exact words were 'sweetheart, long time no see' then he came all close, way too close for my liking so I tried to push him away. Before I knew it he threw me across the street, I saw how he took Elena...and I couldn't do anything about it..." tears started streaming down his face.

"Damon, we are going to find her.." I said.

"I'll get Freya to do the locator spell. I will go there and save Elena, you two stay here." Klaus said.

"What, hell no!! I'm coming!" I snapped.

"Caroline" he said grabbing me by my shoulders "we don't know who we have to deal with..I don't want to take any risks."

"Risks? You think I can't defend myself? Well, newsflash! I actually can! So let me come with you to save my best friend!" I said getting angry and stepping away from him.

"I know you can defend yourself, I just don't want any trouble. I want to go in, take Elena, kill some people here and there, and then leave the damn place. I apologize but having you with me will only cause trouble." 

"Klaus bu-" I tried.

"Love, end of discussion." he said...what does he even think? That he can boss me around? That he can just control me like that and make decisions for me?

"Pff okay but stop staring at me and get Freya, the sooner the better." I gave in, like what was I supposed to do?"

He gave me a thankful smile and left the room searching for Freya. I get that he wants to protect me and all but I don't like it when others make decisions for me.

After not longer than 10 minutes Klaus returned with Freya by his side. She took all the stuff she needed for the spell and starting chanting. 

"She's at Marcel's place..." Freya said carefully. 

"Damon, was the man you saw Marcel?" I asked while Freya was describing him. 

"No it was someone else, I'm sure..." 

Elena's POV

The last thing I saw before darkness took over were Damon's pleading eyes that met mine. How could this happen? I thought I left the drama behind... 

I slowly opened my eyes, I was feeling weak. 

"Ah look who's awake" a man said walking up to me, this was the same man who took me. 

"What do you want" I managed to say.

"Wouldn't you want to now..." he grinned.

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