Chapter 9

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Caroline's POV

I gave all of them a shy smile and I started walking towards the door. "Leaving so soon?" Elijah asked me. "Uh...yeah" I said. 

"Please stay, I'm bored, you're nice to hang out with..unlike you Kol" Rebekah said while giving Kol a death glare. 

"What happened?" I asked smiling, almost laughing. But Rebekah gave me a serious look. "Okay I'm listening". 

"So you may know or not but there's this party tomorrow, I HAD the perfect dress." she said still giving Kol a death glare. "What happened with the dress?" I asked, knowing she would tell me anyways. 

"Well, Kol here, decided it would be funny to cut in it." she said raising her voice. "Why would you cut in it?" I asked him confused. "I just wanted to help.. I thought I was making it prettier." he stated. 

"What.. you really are retarded, are you" Rebekah said. "Okay, honestly Kol..I don't believe you but it doesn't matter, come on Rebekah let's go find a better dress.." I said excited. "Yeah! Let's go shopping but on one condition.." "what is it?" "you need to come to the party as well!" "sure!!" I replied.

Klaus's POV

I still needed to process what happened. Caroline apologized.. which is good, amazing. Then she was about to kiss me but she backed away.. what does that mean?? Does she have feelings for me or is she just confused or is she messing with me? I overheard her conversation with my siblings. I didn't really care that Rebekah and Kol were fighting and I didn't really care that Caroline and Rebekah would go shopping for a dress but I did care that Caroline was going to the party tonight. This is a chance! I need to go as well.

Rebekah's POV

Caroline and I were looking for the perfect dress, now we didn't only need to find a dress for me but also for her since she was coming too. 

We were both looking in the store for a dress. 

"Bekah!!look!!! This is perfect for you!!!!" I heard Caroline say. When I saw the dress that Caroline was talking about my jaw dropped. 

"O M G Care, I have to try this, you try it as well!" I said. We both went to the fitting rooms and we changed into the dress. When we went outside our cabinet and we saw each other "Wow" was the only thing we could say. "We look so hot" Caroline said. "Yeah" I gasped. "But you should buy it, I mean this dress was basically made for you" she said. 

"Okay!! But I promise, we will not stop until we find the dress for you!" I stated.

2 hours later

When we finally found the perfect dress for Caroline, we decided to go to a cafe. We both ordered our drinks and I noticed she was nervous. "Is something wrong Caroline?" I asked her. "Um...I was just wondering.. if you maybe heard.." I cut her off "If I heard your conversation with my brother?" she nodded. 

" was really brave of you to apologize.." I said. She just looked at the ground, I knew she felt bad about it. "Do you like him?" I needed to ask her. "What" "Do you like my brother?" 

"I...I just don't know, It's all really confusing. I basically came to New Orleans for him you know..well kind off....and I wanted to be around him but then Marcel happened and other stuff.. and I just don't know it anymore." 

"You're so confused... I totally know how you're feeling but you still didn't really answered my you like him? Yes or no?" I asked. She was hesitating so much with what she should say. 

"I guess so.." she replied shyly. "Not exactly a yes.. but good enough. I really hope you figure it out Care" I told her. "Thanks Bekah" she said. 

Caroline's POV

We went back to the house. Rebekah had invited me to come with her so that we could get ready for the party together. 

"Did you finds a dress sister?" Kol asked Rebekah. "Actually I found a much better dress." she said. "Oh so you should thank me actually" "Nah I don't think so brother" "Come on Caroline let's go get ready" we went to her room. 

We put our dresses on and then we decided that we would do each others hair and makeup. I first did her hair, I curled it. Then I did her makeup, not super dramatic but not neutral as well. "OMG Care, you're amazing at this...thanks!!!". Then she did my hair and makeup. 

"We look so good!!! Let's go party!!!" She said. 

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