Chapter 15

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Caroline's POV

I was wondering who would be at the dinner tonight. Would the whole family be there or would it just be Klaus and I. He hadn't really made it clear and I couldn't decide what I hoped for most...

The amazing smell overwhelmed me before I even got inside the house. "Someone is trying to make an impression" I said amused while walking to the door. Before I could even knock, the door opened and it revealed a smirking Klaus. He looked at me a few seconds before saying anything. 

"You look beautiful, love" he gasped making me blush a little (Caroline's dress is in the picture)

I gave him a smile but didn't say anything, when I was inside the house I tried to look if anyone else was there. I wanted to ask him wether someone else was coming or not but I knew that would upset him, I did care for him despite everything that happened and I didn't want to see him sad or disappointed. I would just have to wait and see. 

When he lead me to the dinning room I had my answer, only 2 plates...which meant it would be the two of us. This would be a nice chance to get to know him better.


"I have a question" I said and Klaus nodded for me to go on.

"Did you ever, in your thousand years on this earth, turn it off?"

"No" he answered firmly then he looked at me confusion and curiosity "did you?"

"Yeah...After my mother died..I-I guess I just needed a break. I wanted a year without feeling anything."

"So your humanity was off for a whole year..and after that year you just turned it on again?" 

"Not exactly.. Stefan made me turn it back on" 


"With a memory of my mom...she wrote me a letter" I took a deep breath "but I burned it when my emotions were off" 

"I'm so sorry love"

"I just really want to know what she wanted to tell me"

After a couple seconds of silence I said "but I'm done being sad all the I want to talk about you" I smiled widely knowing what I wanted to say next "your hopes, your dreams, everything you want in life" I laughed 

He laughed "are you mocking me?" 

"I wouldn't dare love" I said in my best British accent. I tried to look serious but I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Is that the best you can do?" he asked in an amused tone.

"Hey!" I slapped his hand that was laying on the table "you wound me" 

"I'm sorry love, I will teach you one day"

"Or maybe in a year or even in a century" I said laughing, yet again.

"You know love, you do seem to remember every word I told you" he said with satisfaction written all over his face.

I pressed my lips together and I shook my head. "You are unbelievable" 

"I know" he said with an even bigger smirk on his face, if that was even possible.

There was nothing I could say that would come out the right way so I just stayed silent in the hope that he would change the subject. There was a long silence, I was looking at my food and he was staring at me, I could feel his eyes burning my skin. I didn't want to meet his stare because that is exactly what he wanted. Then all of the sudden I heard laughter.

"What's so funny" I asked meeting his eyes

"Nothing" he laughed which made me narrow my eyes at him. Before I knew it we were having some kind of staring competition. 

"Now how do you expect me to take you seriously when you're looking at me like that love?" He said never leaving my eyes. 

"Fine, you win" I pouted

"What a surprise" he said sarcastically "but how do you like the food?" 

I rolled my eyes with his comment and I cleared my throat 

"Well, it's amazing actually! Who did you compel to make it?" I asked with a daring intonation

"Glad you like it love and....I made it myself" he said with a smirk

"YOU CAN COOK?" I asked, this wasn't happening, the big bad hybrid isn't a pro chef?!?!?!

"Love....I've been here for a thousand years..I can do everything" he replied with a smile obviously content with my reaction. 

"so, what else can you do?" 

"I can sing" he replied and I bursted into laughter "hey hey hey, I will prove it!" he started singing a song that I didn't even know. 

"Stop, please just ears... are hurting" I joked

When he finally stopped he asked "can you sing?" 

"NO" I immediately responded "and no, I won't sing for you" I added knowing he would ask that.

"I do hope you change your mind someday, I would love to hear you sing" he said while staring in my eyes. 

"I don't think so, but hey keep hoping!" I said smiling 

I never really saw Klaus like this before, so happy. I had seen him happy before..but never like this. And..I liked it.

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