Chapter 4

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Klaus's POV

"Caroline..." "Klaus.." 

"Good timing Caroline, Klaus was just leaving to Mystic Falls for you" Kol said. I gave him a dead glare before I looked back to Caroline. 

"Why would you go to Mystic Falls.. for me..." she asked. 

"Well he was worried about you for some reason" Rebekah answered. 

"I can speak for myself" I said raising my voice. 

"Who are you?" Caroline asked pointing at Freya. "I'm Freya, the long lost older sister." 

"Ow yeah sure" she said in a sarcastic way that made me chuckle. 

"And I could ask you the same, why are you in New Orleans.. for me" I said in a teasing way. "Umm who says I'm here for you." She said giving a daring look. 

"Well you are in his house, darling so that means something" Kol said. 

Caroline's POV

Kol was right, I started to get nervous because I didn't know what to say. My heartbeat started to raise and I knew almost everyone in this room could hear that. I just stood there while everyone was waiting for an answer. Luckily I was saved by my phone, Elena was calling. "Excuse me.." 

E: "Hey Care, you haven't called me back, is everything okay?"

C: "Yeah fine, what was the big news, you sounded so excited!"

E: "Well.... Damon.. proposed "

C: "WHAT???!!!!"

E: "I said yes!!!! I'm getting married Caroline!!"

C: "OMG I'm so happy for you!!!"

E: "But how are you, did you see Klaus yet??"

C: You got to be kidding me, everyone in the room was smirking, I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't even look at Klaus "Um yeah.. but I got to go, talk to you soon and congrats!!!!!!"

E: "Okay... and thank you so much, I couldn't be happier right now!!! Talk to you soon!"

It was just quiet in the room till Kol broke the silence "Well well well, you lied".  

" What do you mean" I said awkwardly. "Darling, you know" He answered and he smirked. 

"Well Damon and Elena are getting married!!" I said. 

"Yeah we heard.. and that's not the only thing we heard" Rebekah said smiling. Klaus said nothing, I just saw him smirking the whole time. 

"I have to go, I have stuff to do" I lied. 

"Oh but you just got here, it would be a pleasure to invite you for dinner tonight" Elijah said. I hesitated but then I thought about my situation and I simply said "Okay I will be here at 8." and with that I left the house. 

That literally couldn't go any worse, I thought by myself. I cringed at what just happened, I felt so embarrassed. I went inside the first hotel I could find and I asked for a room. The room was really simple, but I didn't care, it had everything that I needed.After a couple hours of doing nothing I saw the time, it was 7:14. I started to get ready for dinner. I curled my hair, put on some makeup and then I looked at all my clothes. "What should I wear" I whispered. Then I looked at the dress Elena made me buy, the thought of our shopping day made me smile. I put on the dress and I looked in de mirror. Elena was right, this dress is indeed amazing. I left the hotel room and started walking over to their house, it wasn't really far. I was almost there, only a few more steps.

Klaus's POV

I heard footsteps coming towards the house. Caroline's footsteps. I speeded towards her before she could come in. when I saw her I was speechless, "Hello Klaus" she said with a genuine smile on her face. 

"Hello love, you look... beautiful" was I nervous? Of course I was nervous, the girl I loved stood in front of me and she looked like an angel. "Thank you" she said. We went inside. 

"Oh there we have our little liar.." Kol said with a evil smile on his face. "Shut up Kol or I will make you" I sad with anger. "I was just joking around brother... calm down.. I'm sorry darling, you do look stunning" Kol said with a smirk on his face while he kissed her hand. "Thank you" she said while giggling. 

"Hello Rebekah, Elijah, Freya and Finn" she said with a smile on her face.  We went to the dining table, of course I made sure that I could sit next to Caroline. Rebekah and Kol wanted to sit next to her but I usually get what I want... 

I loved how much she was enjoying the food, it looked like she hadn't had food in years. To break the silence I asked her "so where are you staying love?" "In a hotel not far from here" she answered. "What, no you should stay here" I said. 

"Umm I don't know" she answered making me disappointed. 

"I think it's a great idea, it would be so much fun having you around" Rebekah said. I gave Rebekah a thankful nod. "I will think about it.." she said. I couldn't help but smile, there is a possibility that she will be staying here for a while. 

"Caroline, you do like shopping do you?" everyone in the room rolled their eyes. "Rebekah, nobody wants to go shopping with you, get over it." Kol said. 

"Actually I would love to" Caroline said. Kol looked very surprised, I wasn't really surprised, Caroline loves shopping. "We are going to become great friends!" Rebekah said. Caroline just laughed and nodded. The rest of the evening we all talked and laughed, everyone started to like Caroline, I mean how could they not. 

"It's late, I should get going" Caroline said. "Okay, I will let you out" I said. We walked to the door "Thank's Klaus for the nice evening. I will see you tomorrow?" I smirked "I really hope to see you tomorrow love." We stood there looking at each other so I took the opportunity to kiss her cheek. I expected her to back away or to give an annoyed reaction but she just smiled 

"Goodbye Klaus" She said before walking away.

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