Chapter 16

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Klaus's POV

Every time I saw Caroline's beautiful smile I felt so happy, and now it was even better. The reason that she was smiling and laughing was because of me. I made her smile, I made her laugh and the feeling that it brought me...was amazing. 

Maybe she wasn't ready to be with me yet but at least she was here. Just her presence made me happy so I tried to convince myself that that was enough. 

Our plates were empty now and we were just talking, I told her some stories that I knew would make her smile appear and she told me about how her life was when she was human. I couldn't believe that a beautiful woman like Caroline could ever feel insecure...

When our conversation was coming to an end I saw her peeking at her phone "'s late, it's already 2:20 AM, wow time flies away" she said and she was right, this evening went by so fast. "I think that I should get going then" she said getting up from her chair and grabbing her coat. Before she could grab it I was already standing in front of her "you should stay here, it's not safe this late" I said hoping she would stay.

"Klaus, do I need to remind you that I'm a vampire" she laughed "I'm capable of taking care of myself" she added. 

"Yes love, I am very aware...but still" I said looking her in the eyes.

I saw that she was hesitating "pff okay, but only because I know you won't give up"

"You're right with that one" I said while hanging her coat back up. "I will show you your room" 

I choose the biggest and prettiest guest room of them all. When I opened the door I heard her gasp "wow" I smiled at her "you like it?" 

Caroline's POV

"I don't like it...I love it" I said full of admiration. This was by far the prettiest bedroom I had ever been in.

"I'm's late, I will let you rest" he said and he kissed my cheek before turning around and stepping out the door.

I wasn't tired at all to be honest, I didn't want to go to bed. I was debating with myself wether I should say something or just go to bed. Well I guess you only live once.

"Klaus" he turned around

"Yes love?" 

"To be honest, I'm not tired at all" he chuckled "what do you suggest" he asked.

All of the sudden I had an idea "do you remember that night when you showed me you drawings? You know at the ball?" 

"How could I forget, you insulted me enough that day" he said smiling but I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I was thinking, maybe you could show me some of your drawings and paintings, I would love to see" I said with a smile. 

The hint of sadness in his eyes vanished into thin air. I knew that art was a passion of him so I'm guessing he was very happy that I was interested in seeing it. But he could be scared as well, because he would be showing a part of himself, exposing himself. 

"Really? You would?" he asked in disbelief. I nodded and a smile appeared on his face, a genuine smile.

"very well then" he said as he left the room and I followed him "I will show you the ones in my room, I have a studio as well with all of my paintings but I will show you that another time" 

When I entered his room I gasped..again "Wow....this room is even prettier then mine" and he laughed. He handed me his sketchbook. "I will show you more one day if you wish to" he said quietly. I started looking through the sketchbook. "These...are amazing" I whispered while looking at every drawing in admiration. I stopped at one in particularly. I gasped, this was a drawing of was from my first night here, at the dinner with the whole Mikaelson family. I didn't say anything, I was just looking at it in amazement. I should have been creeped out, but I wasn't. 

"What are you thinking?" he asked almost scared.

"That..this is amazing..just wow..I love it" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

Klaus looked surprised "I thought that you would find it weird.." he said with a smirk on his face.

"I thought so too, but clearly I don't" I replied yawning "I guess I should go to bed" 

"Goodnight love" he said as he kissed my forehead "sweet dreams" I heard him say as I left the room.

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