Lunch Time

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Homestuck finished the cookies in a very short amount time. Even Hetalia seemed impressed.

"So...good day today?" Hetalia chuckled.  "You talked to Nat and it seems as if you got along with him. I bet you're happy!"

"Sure. Like I said he apologized and that's about it." Homestuck felt his face burn up.

"I'm happy for you!" Hetalia smiled brightly. "I'll make sure to try to help you!"

"You really are a little ray of sunshine." Homestuck laughed lightly. "I'm surprised on how you can handle me."

"I try." Hetalia got up quickly. "Now let's go! You've been in your room for hours! It's nearly lunch time!"

Homestuck thought for a bit. He wasn't sure if he was hungry or not. Hetalia stared at him, waiting for an answer. Homestuck then just agreed without hesitation. He thought if he goes, he might see Supernatural and it seems that Hetalia was thinking of something similar to that.

"We could sit with the trio." Hetalia suggested. "They always have 2 seats empty next to them."

"Will they mind?" Homestuck asked.

"Who cares?" Hetalia was getting impatient. "Let's go! Everyone is already eating except us! You ate all the cookies that we were supposed to share! I'm hungry!"

"Alright alright." Homestuck brought his hands up. "Lead the way."

Hetalia walked off quickly and Homestuck was trying to keep up. Once they arrived in the eating area Hetalia walked towards the trio, Superwholock, and sat next to Doctor Who quickly, leaving an empty seat next to Supernatural. Homestuck  slowly walked to the empty sit and sat down. It was quiet. The three looked at them wondering why they were sitting with them. It was an awkward silence and Homestuck shifted a bit because of it. He felt uncomfortable. The silence was then broken by a voice that belonged to Sherlock.

"So?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow. "What made you decide to sit with us. Something happened? Or is it that you just want to sit here because someone that YOU-"

Sherlock pointed at Homestuck who jumped a bit. He got nervous and was about to say something​ but Hetalia beat him to it.

"Do we really need a reason as to why we sat here?" Hetalia chuckled with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Maybe we just want to hang out with you guys."

"All of a sudden?" Sherlock tilted his head.

"Oh stop questioning them." Doctor Who smiled and then looked at Supernatural. "You sure are quiet right now. What's wrong?"

"I'm fine." Supernatural looked at his food avoiding any eye contact with anyone. "Just tired."

"Ok." Doctor Who said.

"I'm going to get food." Hetalia got up and left.

Then it was only four at the table.

"You're not getting anything?" Sherlock asked.

"Not hungry." Homestuck just shrugged. "And besides I don't have any money on me right now."

"I don't think cookies is a good lunch." Supernatural muttered.

Homestuck rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. There was an awkward silence once again. Supernatural was poking at his food. He then pushed his lunch to Homestuck not making eye contact.

"Here have it." Supernatural said. "I'm full anyways."

Homestuck stared at him surprised. He then looked at the food that was given to him. It was too shocking that Homestuck didn't know what to do. Sherlock and Doctor Who was just as surprised as Homestuck was.

"Er...thanks." Homestuck said.

Hetalia came back and knew just what happened. He smiled and sit down not saying anything. Homestuck looked at the food and ate it. He loved it. He didn't think they sold the food he was eating.

"Where did you get this?" Homestuck asked.

"I made it." Supernatural answered. "I guess it's like a burrito? But it has vegetables and chicken. It's actually healthy if you think about it."

"It's good." That's all Homestuck managed to say.

"Thanks." Supernatural said and smiled a bit. "It's better then what they sell. At least in my opinion."

"I agree." Homestuck took another bite. "It really is better."

For the rest of lunch they talked. Hetalia was smiling obviously proud of Homestuck. As for Sherlock and Doctor Who they were surprised they weren't fighting for once. It was an interesting lunch for all of them.

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