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After about an hour Homestuck woke up. As usual he stretched and sat up. He looked at his phone and it was 12:00 in the afternoon. He stood up and looked at his clothes that he had on. He still had his uniform on. Homestuck sighed and walked out of his room. He started heading towards Supernatural's room. It was a long walk but he was already used to it. After a few minutes Homestuck was in front of Supernatural's door. He was about to knock but the door was already opened, not by Supernatural, but by Sherlock and Doctor Who. Homestuck jumped. Sherlock and Doctor Who looked at Homestuck.

"Uh...the idiot has something of mine." Homestuck bluntly said.

Supernatural then showed up from behind Homestuck.

"What are you doing in my room?" Supernatural asked the two. 

"We just uh..."Doctor Who paused.

"We were checking your room for something that Doctor Who lost." Sherlock quickly said. 

"What did he lose?" Supernatural asked. 

"His screwdriver thingy." Sherlock answered.

"Sonic screwdriver." Doctor Who was slightly annoyed. "You should know this."

"Whatever." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"What's with the backpack?" Homestuck asked.

"Yeah." Supernatural waited for an answer.

"I-it's for something personal." Sherlock sighed. "Is this how I am?"

"Yes, actually." Supernatural nodded.

"Alright so we are going to go." Doctor Who started to walk off.

Sherlock quickly followed. Now it was only Supernatural and Homestuck in front of the room.

"So I came for my clothes." Homestuck said.

"Oh ok." Supernatural walked passed Homestuck. "Stay here."

"Ok." Homestuck did as he was told.

Supernatural went to his closet and looked at the top. He put them there when he couldn't return the clothes earlier. It wasn't there. Supernatural got confused and looked on his bed. Nothing. 

"What's taking so long?" Homestuck peeked through the door.

"Hold on!" Supernatural checked everywhere. 

"How long does getting my clothes take?" Homestuck rolled his eyes.

"I can't find it." Supernatural looked at Homestuck.

"...What?" Homestuck asked.

"I can't find it." Supernatural said while shrugging.

"Oh for god's sake." Homestuck groaned.

"Hey it's not my fault they're gone." Supernatural glared.

"...." Homestuck thought for a bit. "Don't you think it was strange that Sherlock and Doctor Who were in your room."

"Don't be stupid they wouldn't do anything of that sort." Supernatural said. "I know they wouldn't."

"But-" Homestuck got interrupted. 

"Ok these are my friends." Supernatural said. "I know them very well and they wouldn't do something like that."

"I guess." Homestuck got quiet. "Well then it's pointless for me to stay. But hey have you seen Heta?"

"No." Supernatural answered.

"Probably still in Hamilton's room then." Homestuck turned around and started to walk off. "See ya. Oh and you better find me my clothes."

"Yeah yeah I know." Supernatural rolled his eyes.

With that Homestuck started heading towards Hamilton's room. It wasn't really far. It was only one story up. He found the door that had the Hamilton logo. So he knocked and waited. When there was no answer Homestuck knocked again. After about 30 seconds the door finally opened. It was Hetalia with messy hair.

"Oh uh hi Homestuck!" Hetalia smiled.

"Hey." Homestuck looked at Hetalia. "Where's your jacket."

"Oh it's um right over there." Hetalia pointed to the ground that was right next to the wall.

"Why on the floor?" Homestuck chuckled.

"Did you want to tell me something?" Hetalia asked avoiding the question.

"Um well no just wanted to see you." Homestuck smiled. "Can we hang out today?"

"Oh! Ok!" Hetalia had a big smile. "I'm gonna go Hamilton! I had a great time!"

"Oh wait!" Hamilton grabbed Hetalia's jacket. "Here."

"Thank you!" Hetalia quickly kissed Hamilton. "See ya!"

Hetalia walked off. Homestuck looked at Hamilton who was smiling.

"Get some." Homestuck chuckled and followed Hetalia.

They were in the food area and were sitting at a table. Hetalia had juice and Homestuck, well, you already know him.

"So Heta I never told you this but Nat lost my clothes." Homestuck said.

"What?" Hetalia chuckled. "How did he get your clothes?"

"I stayed in his room." Homestuck bluntly said.

"Wait what?!" Hetalia nearly choked on his drink.

"I left my clothes there because I had to work and so I changed in my room and I don't know why but I took my normal clothes back to Supernatural's room." Homestuck explained.

"Oooh ok." Hetalia smiled. "I thought you guys hit it off."

"No!" Homestuck felt his face heat up.

"Well I guess this is a mystery on how Supernatural lost your clothes." Hetalia laughed.

"Don't tell anyone that I stayed in his room for a night, please." Homestuck begged.

"Ok I won't." Hetalia smiled. "You can trust your moirail!"

"Thank you." Homestuck sighed with relief.

"You know I think you and Nat have something." Hetalia whispered with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Homestuck asked.

"Well..." Hetalia paused. "You guys have been getting along a lot more. Honestly everyone is surprised at how much you've been together without strangling each other. You two are what everyone is talking about lately. They are wondering whether you two are a thing."

"Really?" Homestuck chuckled.

"Yes!" Hetalia nodded. "For example, you have Hamilton, MLP, Adventure Time, Warrior Cats, HP, OFF, Creepypasta, Dangan Ronpa, and even Sherlock and Doctor Who. Now those are only a few. There are a whole lot more! Every fandom knows about this! Not even exaggerating! It's all a mystery for them to solve! They want answers!"

"Wow." Homestuck said. "Well hate to break it to them but it will never be a thing."

"You don't know that..." Hetalia frowned. "Just give it time. Even if it's 100 years from now. It could happen...I just know it."

"Snap back to reality Heta." Homestuck sighed. "I don't want you to get your hopes up and then you be really disappointed when it doesn't happen. I know that I have feelings but it could mean nothing to Nat."

"He kissed you!" Hetalia said. 

"Drunk." Homestuck looked down. "He was drunk."

"Do honestly believe that he doesn't remember one single thing from that night?" Hetalia asked. "He could be lying. He needs to remember one thing at least."

"I doubt it." Homestuck crossed his arms. "Those things happen Heta. Let's just stop talking about please."

"Ok..." Hetalia sighed. "I'll stop."

Homestuck and Hetalia sat there not saying a word but Homestuck was thinking about everything now that Hetalia said those words. Could Nat be lying? Truly not. He drank to much that's it. Those thoughts were stuck in Homestuck head the entire time he was sitting there.

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