Chapter 22

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"Nice catch Violet Leaf." Viper Strike purred seeing how her new groupmate held a frog in her mouth. The black and ginger she-cat whisked her tail. "Thanks!" She meowed through the frog in her mouth.
"It feels great to be out of camp. They all seem to be me by my tail. Especially Light Mist." Speckle Leap meowed.
"Let them argue. They're acting like a bunch of squawking blackbirds if you ask me on the matter." Gorse Feather mewed.
"I hope that things will settle down." Weasel Spot meowed.
"Hey! That mouse is mine!" A brown patched tom growled to Weasel Spot.
"How is it if I just caught it?" He asked the tom.
"I saw it first! Which means it's mine!" The tom growled. "In fact, all of you, give me your catches!"
"No!" Gorse Feather growled, causing the tom to stumble and fall.
"Ow!" He hissed.
"Try and steal our hunts again you stinking furball." Grass Shadow growled. The tom scrambled to his paws and ran away.
"Hmph. Beetle head." Wolf Fur muttered. A red and orangish pelt moved between the bushes in front of them. "Hello!" She meowed, startling Grass Shadow. Her eyes gleamed. "You again!" She mewed in excitement. Wolf Fur smiles gently. "Hi Autumn." He meowed. "You two know each other?" Viper Strike asked.
"Not exactly." He replied shuffling his paws. "Oh no, not that well if that's what you're thinking!" She mewed quickly then looked at all of them. "You all look so thin. You must be hungry, but I see you have something."
"We have frogs, fish, birds and mice to last us all Autumn." Gorse Feather mewed.
"Oh Gorse! Hi! You didn't tell me you lived with them!" Autumn purred in a friendly tone. The tabby she-cat smiled. "I love living here. Having freedom and cats to watch over. And my name's Gorse Feather now." She mewed.
"Well I'm glad you're enjoying it. It was nice seeing you again Wolf Fur and Gorse Feather! Bye bye!" She bounded back into the bushes. "She seems nice." Violet Leaf meowed.
"She likes her life as it is." Gorse Feather mewed.
"Come on now. We should get back. The others are probably fighting over a rabbit's leg now as soon as we get back." Weasel Spot led the way back to the camp.
"Probably." Grass Shadow joked.

"Can't catch me big scary wolf!" Hawk's Cry mewled.
"Oh but I can! And I am going to eat you up! And your fighters! Grr!" Running Fern was pretending to be a wolf.
"Never! We are strong!" Curly Branch declared biting his tail.
"Yowch! Ahh!" He dramatically fell on his back. "My tail! It has fallen off!" He flailed his paws. Then Stone Frost came and leaped on his belly. "I have clawed the wolf's belly open!" He cheered.
The three kits yowled with glee. Eagle's Speck smiled. "Go easy on the big bad wolf my little brave ones." She purred in amusement.
"They should be careful. What if one of them gets hurt?" Dove's Pelt mewed gently.
"They're strong! They're little fighters already!" The tortoiseshell she-cat purred. "So Dove's Pelt when are you and Running Fern having kits?" She teased.
The gray and black eared she-cat stiffened. "I," Running Fern bounded over. "Want to hunting with me?" He chirped.
"Yes please." She meowed quickly and exited the camp with the tom.
"Have a nice time hunting." Eagle's Speck purred.
"Shut up!" The she-cat called back. Eagle's Speck and Pigeon Talon purred to themselves in amusement. Little Ear walked back into camp with Dapple Spots, Light Mist, and Pigeon Talon. "Nothing suspicious." He mewed.
"Good." Fish Scar mewed bowing his head.

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