Chapter 8

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Flowers swayed in the morning bright light. Wolf Fur looked around like a curious kit. The breeze was warm as the tom weaved through the grass. He sneezed as a flower tickled his nose. Then, relishing the cool grass beneath him, he saw s mighty thing with hooves and big things on its head run by. Then another and another. He looked up suddenly seeing the sky gradually grow dark above him. He stiffened seeing a wolf run by after the creature. Two more followed suit.
Oh don't let them chase me like that!
"Do not worry. For they cannot see you." Meowed a voice. The tom spun around a deep mew sounded behind his back. He blinked at a longhaired light brown she-cat. Her whiskers twitching.
"What was that?" Wolf Fur asked.
"A pack of wolves running after a deer herd." She replied.
"Who are you?" He asked the she-cat. But she did not answer. Only stare at where the deer and wolves ran by. "Tell me young Wolf Fur, what did you think that meant?" She asked suddenly.
The black tom jolted. "What did I think it meant..?" He echoed, having no idea how to answer.
"Does this look like a sign of the future to you?" She mewed.
"The future?" Wolf Fur was completely bewildered and shocked now. Why was this cat talking about futures and meanings?
"Who... who are you?" He meowed.
"I am Rustling Leaves. I was alive long before your mother was even born into the mountains." She meowed. Behind her, the grass showed through her coats.
"Why are you so starry..?" Wolf Fur meowed faintly.
"I am a special kind of cat. I am a cat of the ancestors. I have seen and heard things from the others. They say change is coming. Change is needed." Rustling Leaves meowed. The black tom could barely seem to breathe. Her tail twitched. "Stone Storm is at peace and with us. But we will tell you one thing. Divide." She mewed.
"Divide." More cats joined in her words. Wolf Fur's eyes gleamed in the stars and he felt something inside him. He was surprised by a fierce determination in his heart. Shock no longer jolted through him. A feeling so strange. His belly tightened and he blinked at the starry pelted cats. They were all ones he hadn't seen before, other than Stone Storm. Wolf Fur felt his white paws tingle. He began to remember the wolf running after him and Viper Strike when they were kits. He began to shake. "Wolf Fur. Do as the stars say." Rustling Leaves told him at just a whisper. He felt himself suddenly starting to rouse from his sleep. No wait! Don't let me wake up! He wanted to stay in his sleep longer. He just couldn't wake up from his sleep now!
"Do as the stars say." The brown she-cat repeated.
Do as the stars say..
"Hey thick ears!" Viper Strike's mew jerked him from his sleep. He opened his eyes to see his littermate standing over him. "Mom and dad want you and me to go hunting with Running Fern, Gray Sky, Dapple Spots, Deer Snout, and Dove's Pelt. We're catching squirrels!" Her eyes were glittering.
"Leave it to you to get excited about land prey." Wolf Fur joked, a gleam in his eyes as he walked beside his sister to join their parents and the others. Gray Sky's eyes were all on Deer Snout. The small hunting group filed out of the camp.

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