Chapter 12

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"Ha! Can't catch me!" Curly Branch squealed as her brothers hared after her in play. Stone Frost, shook his fluffy gray fur and lashed his tail. "I'm a big scary wolf! Here to steal the prey!" He growled.
"Never! I am the leader of the cats! And I won't let you!" Mewled Hawk's Cry playfully tackling his brother.
"I told you!" Curly Branch purred to Stone Frost dancing around her two brothers. Eagle's Speck purred. "My kits.." she mewed. Gray Sky and Deer Snout were chatting and sharing a squirrel together. Wolf Fur padded up to Pigeon Talon. He felt as if his pelt were rubbed the wrong way. "Are you busy?" He asked. "Nope." She mewed, wrapping her tail around her paws.
"I miss my mom." He mewed. The amber eyed she-cat had no words for a moment. "Your father's taking it harder than anycat if it isn't you two or your sister." She told him. Pigeon Talon wasn't wrong either. The mottled tom had been hunting all day yesterday to try to distract himself from the loss of his mate. Viper Strike's words of blame still rung in his ears, then her apology replaced them. Wolf Fur wasn't going to let a bunch of words caused by grief let him sink. He was strong. The tom would get through this. Weasel Spot padded into the camp with a mouse in his jaws beside Speckle Leap and Leaping Breeze. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon. After several moments, Fish Scar leaped up on the rock to address the group. "All cats gather here to hear me!" He meowed. Most of the fats who were lazing in the clearing, hauled themselves up to sit and listen to the mackerel tabby tom. "Thanks to our new friends, Gorse Feather and Speckle Leap, we have been catching an abundance of prey. And with Eagle's Speck's new kits, we will have a larger group! That is all." He meowed and leaped down from the rock. The cats broke away. Viper Strike gave herself thorough wash. All of the cats, moved between small groups and gave light tail touches. Fish Scar scanned across the clearing. He twitched his tail, but it seemed as though a few were perhaps having a bad day he supposed.
"Can you believe how I chased that stoat and showed him whatfor?" Dapple Spot's friendly and boastful but good humored talk broke his thoughts. "It was practically no match for me!" The tortoiseshell tom at a point showed a baby wolf a thing or two in the mountains.
"I think you've become an excellent stoat chaser. Not bad at all if I say so." Gorse Feather purred tapping her tabby tail on his nose. The tom gave a gentle purr and padded after her as if he were in a trance. Fish Scar rolled his eyes and went into his den and curled in what was now his nest of moss and soft light feathers.
"Them feathers soft enough for ya?" Rasped a voice. Bright Wind entered the den.
"I have a patrol later and I'm trying to rest, but yes, this nest is fantastic." He mewed.
"Good on that then." The brown speckled she-cat mewed and padded away, shuffling. Wolf Fur padded around. His white paws kneading the grass below him, the dream of the wolves and deer herd in his mind. The first pale streaks of dawn were creeping through the gathered clouds. He growled at the sky then sniffed and whisked his tail. "Viper Strike's wrong when she said no cat was to blame," he snarled through gritted teeth. "The ancestors are."

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