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3rd person:

"We'll be back before you know it darling," Moon's mother said to her smiling.

"Promise?" Moon asked.

"I promise," Moon's mother said kissing her cheek. "Goodbye darling."

"Bye," Moon said quietly as her mother and father got on the boat. She watched them wave good bye as the ship left the dock. "Please, keep your promise," Moon whispered quietly to herself.


A week had passed and her parents still hadn't been back and this made Moon worry. If something were to happen to her parents, then she would be responsible for taking the throne and ruling Mewni.

At such a young age, Moon thought to herself.

As she sat on her throne, bored out of her mind, a guard busted open the door and ran to her. His eyes were full of sorrow.

"Your highness," The guard continued, "your parents, they...they.."

"They what?!" Moon screamed as tears started to roll down her eyes.

"They're gone," The guard was shaking and tears started to roll down his eyes too. "I-I'm so sorry."

Moon was frozen. All she could feel were her tears rolling down her face.

"There was nothing we could do-" The guard was cut off.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Moon screamed. Her emotions were everywhere. "How could you do this?! You probably were to much of a coward to save them!"

"Your highness," The guard went on, "I'm so, so sorry."

"You should be!" Moon yelled as she ran out of the throne room.

"How could this happen to me?" She cried to herself.

Once she reached her room, she slammed the door and hid herself under her covers. She sobbed her eyes out and cried herself to sleep.

"You said that you promised," Moon cried.


A week had passed and Moon was still saddened by her loss. She knew that she had to pull through and lead people of Mewni for today was the day she would be crowned queen.

As she got ready for the coronation, she thought about how she would run Mewni. What would she do? She had to affect the land in someway. These thoughts were interrupted by a voice that came from behind her.

"Oh my," The voice went on, "you look beautiful!" Moon turned around and realized that it was one of her servants, Paisley. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt you?"

"Oh, uh, no," Moon lied. "I was actually just planning on going to the coronation now."

"Oh perfect!" Paisley yelled in excitement. She was always known for being a loud girl. That's why she was one of Moon's favorite servants. "Shall we head down now?"

"Oh, yeah, sure."

Once Moon headed down the stairs to the throne room, she noticed how many people were there. A lot of people meant a lot of princes.

Great now I have to deal with acting like a lady, Moon thought to herself.

Once she was down the stairs everyone became silent. All eyes were on her. Moon felt the sweat pouring down her face. She stepped toward the man who was holding the crown. Once she got there, she went down on one knee.

"Today is the day a new queen is crowned along with a new kingdom being born," The man holding the crown went on. "Unfortunately, the king and queen have had a terrible accident and are no longer with us."

These words made Moon feel both sad and angry.

"However, that won't stop us from having a queen," The man looked down at Moon. "Today will be a day that all of Mewni will remember. Today is the day where the youngest queen will be crowned."

Moon started getting even more nervous.

"I will now announce the new queen of Mewni, Queen Moon!" The man shouted as he place the crown on top of Moon's head.

Everyone cheered as Moon turned around and smiled at the crowd. She almost thought she saw her parents at one point, but it was just her imagination. This caused her heart to ache, but that didn't stop her from from smiling. She knew that because she was queen, she couldn't let anything get to her.

"All hail the queen!" Everyone shouted.

"THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!!" Paisley shouted. This made Moon giggle a little.

Once the crowd died down, Moon went outside where the dinner party was being held. Just when she had the chance to sit down, a young man walked up to her. He looked like he was about 20.

"Hello your highness," The young man said to her kissing her hand, "My name is Prince Alexander. I come from a small kingdom up North called Robins Dale. Perhaps you've heard of it?"

"Oh yes I have," Moon lied.

"I was hoping that you could save one dance for me," Alexander said. "I mean, you have to find a prince soon."

"Not so fast Alex!" Another prince walked up to them, "I was planning on having a dance with her!"

"Wait w-what?" Moon was confused.

"Oh how rude of me," the stranger said, "I am Prince River. How are you mad-"

"I think that we can all agree that she should dance with me," A new voice stated. "After all, I'm her type."

Moon turned around. The new prince that stood before her was very tall and had a very manly voice.

"Wait, hold on, how do you know what my type is? I don't even have a type!" Moon exclaimed.

"You do now," The tall prince went on. "My name is Prince George. I was wondering if you would like to dance?"

"No way she's dancing with me!" River shouted.

"Nope! Sorry but her dance partner is taken!" Alexander stated.

"Are you sure about that?" George asked.

"Uh," Moon got nervous. She didn't know what to do or who to chose. She wasn't attracted to any of them. All she could think of doing was running away. So she did.


Well that was the end of the prologue! This is my first story I've ever written on here so sorry if it seems a bit boring :( I hope that you continue to read this story! :)

-Lulu <3

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