Chapter 13

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One week later

Moon's POV:

A week had passed and there was no sign of Toffee or any monsters. All of the Mewmans rejoiced because of this. However, I was still heartbroken. I would spend most of my days reading, writing, crying, or staring at Toffee's ring. I never left my room. Paisley did all of my royal duties for me. It was super sweet of her.

Sadly, their was no sign of Kurzol either. I assumed that maybe he ran away too. I wouldn't blame him though. All I ever seem to do is hurt monsters or any other creature for that matter.

I also wouldn't eat, drink, nor sleep because I would cry so much. I tried to tell myself each day that Toffee would come back and forgive me. Sadly, that never happened.

Today was supposed to be a celebration for the disappearance of the monsters. I, of course, didn't go.

Instead I wrote out all of my feelings from the past week in a journal. It felt good to get it out, but I still felt empty inside.

While I was writing, I heard a knock on the door.

"Hello?" A voice yelled from the other side of it. "It's me, Paisley. Can I come in. Please?"

I didn't respond for a few seconds. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. All I wanted to do was write my feelings using my tears as ink.

I finally came to my senses and responded. "Uh, yeah, sure," I said softly. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes before Paisley could enter.

"How are you doing?" She asked once she got into my room. I didn't answer. Her expression changed to a sad one. She walked up to my bed and sat right next to me.

"I messed up," I told her quietly. She grabbed both of my hands and looked into my eyes.

"He's gonna come back," She smiled. "I promise." I smiled back at her and wiped my tears once more.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"I just have a feeling that you two will see each other again," She added.

I looked outside my window. "I wonder where he is now," I said as I brushed my hair out of my face.

"I'm sure he's somewhere out there," Paisley chuckled. As she stepped next to me. We both looked out the window and wondered where Toffee had gone. I hoped that he would return soon and we would be a couple again, but deep down, I knew that we could never work.


Toffee's POV:

I looked out towards all of the monsters standing in front of me. All of them were all dressed up in their bloody armor. Their swords were sharper than a sharks tooth and there eyes were blazing with revenge.

I was actually surprised that they would let me lead this rebellion. I mean, I was the palace boy for a long time.

I definitely proved to them that I am worth to lead by breaking up with my one true love.

I was ready to kill anybody who got in my way, even if that person was Moon. I didn't feel anymore emotion inside of me. It was as if my humanity had been drained out of my body. I didn't care though. All I wanted to do was get revenge on those filthy Mewmans.

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