Chapter 4

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Moon's POV

"And that is why you should only use dark magic if your in trouble," Glossaryck advised in a boring way. It was as if he didn't even want to teach me. I couldn't blame him though. He had been around for a very long time.

"Am I done with my lesson yet?" I wined while resting my head on the table.

"Why? Do you have somewhere to be right now?" He asked giving me a questioned look.

"Um, yes, actually," I blushed thinking about Toffee. 

"Are you going somewhere with your monster boyfriend or something?" I could tell Glossaryck was annoyed.

"WHAT HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND! WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT!? WE'RE JUST FRIENDS OKAY?" I could feel my face turn red. "Look, we are just going to walk around the Butterfly kingdom for a while."

"Are you sure about that?" He muttered while glancing at me. My face got even more red.

"Yes! I am positive!" I yelled while I was flustered.

"Alright, keep telling yourself that," He insisted as he flew out of the room.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I asked running after him.

"Our lesson is over now," he implied. "Now go have fun with your boyfriend."

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled while following him through the main hallway.

"Alright, you can tel him that," Glossaryck said while pointing at something.

"What do you mean-" I turned around. Toffee was standing right behind me "TOFFEE! HEY, HOW'S IT GOING HAHAHAHA...HA...ha...ha." My face turned bright red.

"Um, hey Moon," The blue lizard said. "Are you done with your lesson yet?"

"YEP! I FINISHED JUST! I MEAN, I JUST FINISHED!" I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even think straight.

"Well, are you ready to go?" Toffee asked me.

"YEP!" I blurted out in an uneasy way.


As we walked around the kingdom, I noticed how much it had changed since my proclamation. There were definitely a lot more monsters, but there were some new mewmans that I had never seen before, too. I figured that it was because I lived in the palace for most of my life.

"I have never been to this part of Butterfly Kingdom," I admitted.

"Really, but you've lived here your whole life," Toffee said in a surprised way.

"Well, I've only been out of the castle a few times," I included. "My parents thought that it was best if I didn't make any friends."

"Why?" Toffee asked.

"They thought that if I were to make friends, I would focus more on them rather than my royal duties," I responded.

"But, what about Paisley?" He put in.

"Paisley was an acceptation because she was a servant," I noted.

"Tell me more about yourself," Toffee insisted eagerly.

"But, you already know so much stuff about me. There isn't more to tell," I told him.

"Are you sure?" He smiled at me with his beautiful yellow eyes. This made my face turn red.

"Well I-"

"OMG MY OTP!!!" A voice yelled from far away. We turned around and saw a figure running  towards us. It was hard to make out at first, but once it got closer, I realized that it was Paisley. "Hey guys! What are you two doing here?"

"We were just walking around the kingdom," I responded. Paisley smirked at me.

"Alone?" She asked.

"Um, yes," I started to feel nervous.

"Are you two on a date?" She asked while smiling at both of us.

"WHAT NO, NO, NO, NO!" I knew that she was going to say something like that.

"Are you sure?" Her words made me feel embarrassed and angry.

"Yes, I am sure!" I snapped. My body started to fill with rage. "Now if you excuse me, I'm leaving now!" I stomped away. I was so mad that wanted to slap her. I couldn't believe she embarrassed me in front of Toffee like that.

Wait, I stopped and thought to myself, I just ditched Toffee!

I turned back and ran to where I had left them. Once I got there I realized that they were gone.

"Nice going Moon!" I whispered to myself. How could I have been so stupid. I mean, I just left him there! 

Maybe he's back at the castle, I thought to myself. I quickly ran to the palace as fast as I could. I was like a gazelle running away from a hungry tiger.

Thankfully I had made it there before they entered the castle. I ran towards Toffee and Paisley.

"Toffee, wait!" I yelled while running towards him. I quickly grabbed his scaly hand before he entered. This caused a long silence.

"Moon, what's wrong?" The lizard asked me in a calm way.

"Look, I'm really sorry for ditching you! It's just that Paisley got me angry and-" I was cut off.

"It's okay," He chuckled. "Did you really think that I would get mad at you for ditching me?"

"Um yeah," I scratched my head in embarrassment.

"Haha, you're so sweet," He smirked. I felt my face turn bright red. I looked down and realized that I was still holding his claw. I looked back at him and saw that his face was bright red as well. I leaned in closer to him and he leaned closer into me. We were so close that I felt the warmth of both of our faces.

"So are we going to have dinner soon! I'm starving!" Paisley beamed. I quickly turned away from Toffee. I had forgotten that she was still there.

"Oh, um, yes," I continued, "C'mon, lets go inside."

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