Chapter 12

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Toffee's POV:

"Please!" The little monster called out as they lead him towards the throne room where Moon and I were. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone!" He added. I watched as the guards violently pushed him to the ground. Chains were wrapped around his arms, legs, and neck. I saw tears falling from his eyes. I knew that he was in a lot of pain.

I glanced over at Moon who was sitting on the throne. Her face had no emotion.

"Why would you hurt those innocent mewmans?" Moon asked the helpless monster. The monster looked down towards the ground. "Answer me!" she yelled. My eyes widened. I had never seen Moon act this way towards anyone.

"I-I," The little monster stuttered. "I didn't mean to hurt them! I was only trying to protect myself!"

Moon had a confused look on her face. "From what?" She questioned.

"They hurt me and made fun of me!" The monster sobbed. I watched as Moon rolled her eyes. What was going on inside her head. It was as if she was possessed.

"You're lying," Moon stated. "There isn't any evidence to prove that you were hurt by anyone."

Paisley quickly cut in, "Actually, there is! There is a scratch on his left ar-"

"Shut up Paisley!" Moon bolted at her. My eyes widened. "Now for your punishment."

"P-punishment?!" The little monster wailed. His tears started to flow down his face even faster.

Moon scratched her head and paused. "Because you have killed so many people, you will have to have a very harsh punishment," Moon added. "You are a threat to Mewni. Therefore, you will be executed."

"WHAT?!" Paisley and I both yelled at the same time. Both of our eyes were widened once more. 

"Moon!" I yelled. "That's too harsh! He's only a kid!" Moon turned towards me and gave me a deadly glare.

"I decide what his fate is," Moon stated, "not you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Moon would never do or say something like this. I couldn't take it anymore, so I walked away from the scene. As I walked away, I noticed that Paisley had a worried look on her face. I ignored it.

Once I made it out of the castle I looked up at the dark blue sky. There were stars that shined like tiny diamonds. I then remembered how Moon loved the stars. She would call them the rulers of the sky. I then remembered what Kurzol had told me. 

Is history repeating itself? I thought. I was scared. I didn't want to loose Moon. She was the love of my life.

All of the sudden, my thoughts were cut off by the sound of footsteps. I turned around and saw a group of monsters standing only a few feet away from me. They all had angry looks on their faces.

"Well looks like the palace boy has finally realized what his psycho path girlfriend has been up too for the past few months," One of them added. I looked at them confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "And who are you?"

They all chuckled softly. "We're just a group of monsters who have lost our friends and family to that tyrant," Another added. I gave them a nasty glare.

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