Chapter 3

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Moon's POV

It had been a few weeks ever since I had my first proclamation. Many monsters started to move into the Butterfly kingdom. It was a little strange at first, but we started getting used to it. Also, Toffee officially moved into the castle and became my right-hand-man. Whenever I had trouble with my royal duties, he would always be there to help me. It was so sweet of him.

"Your highness!" yelled a guard as he ran through the door. He was drenched in sweat and was panting like a dog. "Someone is placing different types of portals around Mewni!"

"What?" I was confused. "Who would do such a thing."

"I'm not sure," The guard said scratching his head.

"I'll go check it out," I said as I ran out of the room. I quickly raced to the library to go get Toffee. Once I got there, I saw him reading a book about mewman magic.

"Moon? What's going on?" Toffee asked getting up from the table that he was sitting at.

"Someone is placing portals around Mewni," I panted. "We have to stop them!"

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!"


Toffee's POV

Moon and I raced through the main hallways trying to find one of the portals. After minutes of searching, we finally found one.

"Whoa, that does not look like a normal portal," Moon stated.

"I know right," I said, "It looks so... different."

We both stepped forward to take a closer look. All of the sudden, the portal disappeared. A few seconds later, somebody showed up in front of us. The figure looked like she was about 18 or 20. She had long red hair that barely touched the ground. She wore a orange and yellow dress along with a black crown.

"What do you think you're doing?" The lady asked us.

"Oh we were just checking out this portal," Moon addressed. "Do you know why it's here?"

"Yes I do," the lady responded in a rude tone. "In fact, I put it there."

"Are you the person putting portals around Mewni?" Moon asked.

"Well duh," The lady went on, "isn't it obvious."

"Um, well, can you like, not put random portals around Mewni?"

"Sorry, no can do cupcake."

"What why?!" I could tell Moon got furious. There was this look in her eyes when ever she got angry. It was like a lion hunting it's prey.

"Because," The lady continued, "someone in your little kingdom hasn't been using their dimensional scissors properly."

"Yeah and?" Moon said while giving her a dirty look.

"It can damage time and space if they aren't used the right way."

"Says the girl who put portals all around Mewni for no reason," I stated.

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