Chapter 7

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Toffee's POV

As I watched Moon walk out of the castle with another man, I felt jealousy flow through my veins. A part of me had felt defeat, but another felt determination.

I decided to follow them. I had to know what they were up to.

I watched as they walked through the town chatting up a storm. There would be times that Moon would laugh at the prince's pointless jokes.

"Well, I'm not the greatest at flags, but I can at least beat a princess," He joked.

"Hahaha," Moon laughed. More jealously went through my body. "Oh really. Well you wouldn't be able to beat me because I'm a queen."

The prince laughed. "Queens don't play flags."

"Well, this queen does," Moon smiled confidently. They talked some more about themselves and their kingdoms.

As I followed them, I felt like someone was watching me. Every here and there I would hear footsteps from behind me. I just ignored it and pretended the noises weren't there.

I followed Moon and the prince all they way to a small field by a lake. There was a whole picnic just for the two of them. I hid behind a bush to see what they were up to.

"Damn, this guy is good," A voice said coming from behind me. I turned around and jumped. The figure that had been following me was right in front of me. I figured it out who this person was. It was once again Paisley. "Hey Toffee," She whispered, "I see I'm not the only one spying on Moon and the new guy."

"I'm not spying," I grumbled.

"Then, what are you doing?"

"I'm," I paused, "observing."

"Looks like someone's jealous," Paisley smirked at me.

My face turned bright red. "I'm not jealous!" I exclaimed. I quickly covered my mouth.

"Shhhh," She whispered, "you're going to blow our cover."

I looked through the bushes to see them. They were sitting down laughing together.

"You like creme puffs too?" Moon chuckled.

"Haha, of course! Who doesn't?" The prince laughed.

"Well, I was never aloud to have a lot because my mother would always say there was too much sugar in them," She added. All of the sudden, Moon's face turned gloomy and sad. "I wish she was still here."

"I'm so sorry," He sighed. "I would do anything to get her back if it were to make you happy."

Moon smiled and hugged him. "Thank you," She sniffled while trying to fight back her tears.

My heart sank as I watched the women I love being taken away from me. I was too late. I should have told her how I felt sooner.

Paisley looked at me with a saddened look on her face. It was as if she knew how I felt. She hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry," she comforted.

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