Chapter 8

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Four weeks later

Moon's POV:

"Moooonnn!" A voice yelled. I opened up my eyes and found Paisley on top of me. I pushed her off me and rubbed my eyes.

"Ugh," I grunted, "what time is it?"

"It is exactly 5:37 am!" She exclaimed as she jumped on my bed. I put my face into my pillow.

"Why did you wake me up this early?" I grumbled.

"Well duh," Paisley went on, "it's your first birthday as a queen!" She started squealing and jumping around my bedroom.

"Ugh! Paisley stop! You're going to break something!" I yelled. She quickly stopped.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and put the bed sheets over my face. "Because I don't want to have to act like a lady to impress everyone," I added. 

Paisley took my hand. "Well you won't have to act like a lady in front of Toffee," She said. "He's like your best friend, right?"

I paused and looked out the window. "Yeah I guess," I sighed. "I just don't want to talk to anymore princes."

"Oh," Paisley paused and scratched her head. "Maybe you can just try to avoid them."

I gave her an annoyed glance. "Like that's going to happen," I grunted.

"Well, um, anyways," She continued, "Toffee's downstairs waiting for us. C'mon lets go!"

"What! I can't walk downstairs looking like I've just woken up!" I exclaimed.

Paisley rolled her eyes. "We're just decorating the palace," She added, "The actual party is later tonight."

I scratched my head. "Oh right," I said. "Can I at least change?"

"Sure," Paisley responded, "but make it quick."

"Ok," I said as I ran to my wardrobe. I grabbed a light pink dress. I put it on and looked in the mirror. I noticed that my hair had looked like a tornado had hit it.

"Can you go any slower?" Paisley said jokingly.

I ran to the bathroom grabbed a rubber band. I put my hair up carelessly in a messy bun. I then ran to a cabinet and crabbed a box of Mewni Mints. I showed five mints down my throat. Thankfully I didn't puke.

"Ready," I panted as I ran out of the bathroom.

"Jeez, you look like you just came out of the forest or something," Paisley giggled.

I gave her a dirty look. "Can we just go already," I snorted as I rolled my eyes.

"Haha sure," She said as she started to head towards the door. I followed her.

As we headed down the stairs, I saw Toffee waiting at the bottom with boxes of decorations around him.

"Ready to decorate?" He asked as he lifted up a box. I gave him a confused look.

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