Chapter 5

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Three Weeks later

Moon's POV

"So let me get this straight," I went on, "you're telling me that I can do magic without my wand?"

"Yes," Glossaryck responded, "It's called 'dipping down.'"

I looked at him confused for a while. "Hmm, sounds neat!" I smiled. "How do I do it?"

"Well, It's kind of hard to explain," Glossaryck advised. "Think of it as if you are trying to open up a chest. There is nice, smooth fabric on the outside, but there are shiny, beautiful gems on the inside. The only way to get to the gems is with a key. In this case, you are the key."

I was completely lost. I had no clue what he was talking about. "But how do I become the key?" I asked.

"That is for you to figure out," he clarified as he closed the spell book. "Well that's all of the time I have today. Goodbye my queen."

"Wait, but-" I was too late. He had already fallen asleep inside the spell book. "Well, I better see what Toffee's up to."

I skipped down the main hallway looking for Toffee. I checked almost ever room, but I couldn't find him.

Where is he? I wondered.

I wandered through the hallways a bit more, but I was stopped by a guard.

"Queen Moon!" The guard panted. He looked exhausted. His sword was gone and he had scratches all over his body. "A Manticore has taken some citizens from Mewni including your friend, Toffee. I along with the other soldiers tried to stop it, but it was too strong. I'm so sorry."

I felt rage fill up inside my body. There were fire in my eyes. I wanted that monster dead.

"I'm going after it," I stated.

"What, but your highness-" I cut the guard off.

"Don't get in my way," I sputtered while giving him a deadly glare. "That's an order."

"A-Alright," The guard quivered. His eyes were full of fear. I didn't care. All I knew was that I had to save Toffee along with all of the other people that the manticore had kidnapped.

I raced through the hallways and out of the castle. Once I was out, I headed down to the village to ask anyone to see where the monster had gone.

"It took my child!" One woman sobbed while she was on her knees. "My poor baby girl!"

"I know," I said calmly, "I'm going to get her back. I promise." I was determined. I felt stronger than I had ever felt before. "Do you know where the monster went?"

"I saw it fly up North toward the mountains," The women acknowledged.

"Thanks," I said as I started to take out my dimensional scissors. I cut a portal in the sky and stepped through it. A few seconds later, I found myself high up in the mountains. I looked around for the beast, but couldn't find it. Instead, I found giant cave that looked like it went on forever.

I went inside and walked deeper into it. As I went deeper, I heard voices screaming in horror. This caused me to start running. I ran as fast as I could through the cave. It felt like a was running forever. Finally the cave had come to a stop. At the end, there was a group of mewmans and monsters standing in one corner and a pile of dead bodies in the next.

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