Chapter 11

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1 year later

Toffee's POV:

"Alright I'm gonna do it," I said as I closed the ring holder. Kurzol and Paisley both looked at me with an annoyed look on their face.

"You better not chicken out like you've done the last two times," Kurzol snorted as he rolled his eyes.

"I won't," I stated. "I have to tell her."

"You better," Paisley demanded. "I mean, like, you two have been together for, like, a year now."

I tucked the ring holder in my pocket. I was nervous. Moon and I had been dating for only a year. We had many memories and times together, but it doesn't seem like enough. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She has changed my life forever and is the love of my life. I need to tell her. I have to tell her.

"Are you sure that she'll say yes?" Kurzol asked. "I mean, she's only 20 and your only 23. You two are too young."

I paused and thought about Kurzols comment. Were we too young to get married? Was I popping the question too early?

"It's better to start early," I explained.

"Oh, haha, I see," Paisley chuckled. "You want to marry her early so you can-"

"OKAY PAISLEY WE GET IT!" Kurzol shouted. Paisley stuck her tongue out at him. " You're such a child," he snorted.

"Well at least I'm not a grouch," Paisley snapped. Kurzol rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," He said, "can we just get this proposal over with. I mean Toffee's tried to ask her for the past month but he hasn't had the guts to."

"Excuse me?" I snarled in an angry tone.

"My guess is that she is probably gonna say no," Kurzol stated. I felt rage flowing through my body.

"Your just jealous because you never had what Moon and I have!" I yelled. Kurzol face started to fade. I quickly realized what I said and tried to apologize, but it was too late.

"Damn you," he whispered under his breath. "When you two don't work out, don't come crawling back to me for help." Kurzol then ran away. I tried to stop him, but he had already ran into the forest. I smacked my head.

"I'm such an idiot!" I yelled. "Why did I say that?" Paisley tried to calm me down, but I was already filled with too much rage. She then reminded me that Moon was still waiting for me.

"You better get going," Paisley added. She looked down at the ground in sorrow. "You know, Moon and you are lucky compared to Kurzol and Moon's mother."

I scratched my head. "Yeah," I said quietly.

"I know what happened between them and I'm scared the same thing is gonna happen to you and Moon," Paisley added in a sad way.

I looked at her with a serious look in my eyes. "It won't happen," I stated in a determined way.

"How do you know?"

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