Thank you for reading my book, thanks for commenting and all the voting!
I hope you appreciate it and liked it!
I had a lot of fun writing it :D
It's sad that the book is already done :(Please send me a message on how I can develop my writing skills if you would like to, or you can always write your feedback here :)
With that said continue reading the author's note or if you don't want to. I hope you all will have a fantastic day :)
A little backstory of this book:
I came up with the idea of writing this book because I wanted to create a character who had the trouble with love as a teenager. For your information, I know the feeling and that was kind of why I wanted to write this book to write about me, but with some twists :D So this book is the most inspired from my own life compared to my other books. Sadly, if you are a close friend to me in real life, then the chances are big that you will understand the most things I've been writing about except the parts I have twisted :)Pictures used:
All pictures come from the site Pixabay. (that is used in every chapter)
The book's cover is designed by me using another website. The secret admirer sticker alike thing in the beginning of the book is also designed by me.Q & A:
If you have any other questions about the story or me as the author, feel free to ask :D

Secret Admirer
Teen FictionTwo years of being in love with a person who doesn't even know about it. Two years of keeping my crush secret from my friends. Two years of blaming myself for being too shy. It's time to start doing something or else I will lose the guy I've liked s...