Chapter 14: Prom Dress

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"Wake up, sleepyhead!" Ella shouts meanwhile she stares at me.

"What?" I mumble.

"It's only one week left for the prom and today you and I are going to shop our prom dresses! Mom is taking us to Lakewood Center." Ella is jumping on her bed and a bright smile lights up her face.

"Where is Lakewood Center located?" I ask.

"I don't know. Mom said it would take a while driving. I don't know if we are speaking one or two or even more hours and I don't care either. It's going to be so much fun! What's your budget on your prom dress? I mean you need to impress Ethan!" Ella says with her playful voice.

Ella covers her mouth and gasp.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I should not have mentioned his name!" 

"Actually, I feel better about that. These past weeks I've not thought of him as much as I used to. So I'm on the right track and ready to get to know other great guys." I smile.

"Good! I'm so proud of you. Oh well. Uh. So the budget for your prom dress?" Ella raises both eyebrows up and down while she looks at me with her huge smile, which is back.

"I don't know. My mom said that all my prom-related stuff can't cost more than $150 and if it does I have to pay it by myself!" I sigh.

"You must be kidding, right? My mom said a maximum $200 for a dress and a maximum of $70 for shoes and the rest I have to pay by myself." Ella looks shocked.

"Well. Your family has more money than mine does just a reminder." I respond and give Ella a judging look. I honestly feel a little hurt of what she said, but I know she doesn't mean to hurt me, so it's fine. 

"I guess ... Well, then we will have to find a nice cheap dress. I think you will totally match in a peach color or like in wine red." Ella says and she has a shamefaced facial expression.

"Thanks. By the way, I know nothing about style or fashion so ... don't count on me in your decision!" I give Ella a gaze to show that I forgive her.

"Girls! We are heading to Lakewood Center in about 30 minutes, get ready!" Ella's mom shouts from downstairs.

"I'm so glad your mom allowed you to sleep over at my house so we could shop together today!" Ella says and then she runs upstairs and later downstairs.

"What are you looking for?" I shout.

"My toothbrush" She responds annoyed.

At the mall.

"Uhm. Ella wait! I like this dress. It's yellow and it's fluffy!" I touch the fabric and I gasp. (It's the picture above, that's the dress)

"Well. Try it on then!" Ella says and yawns.

I try on the yellow dress with glitter on the top of the dress and the down part of the dress is beautiful. It almost looks like a bunch of yellow roses and it's so fluffy. 
I have a pleading look on my face when I look at myself in the mirror in the dressing room. 

"Voila!" I say and walk out of the dressing room. 
I spin multiple times.

Ella gasps.

"Wow! That dress is perfect for you! You are going to make all the guys jealous for not asking you out. OMG! You are a beautiful girl. If I was a boy I would totally ask you to dance with me. Gush!!! I love it. You should buy it!" Ella gasps again.

"Should I try the wine red colored dress again?" I fake a smile. 
This dress is amazing. I've to buy this one!

"No. I like this yellow dress better, but of course, it's your opinion." Ella says and smile.

"Hm ... Oh no! This dress costs $120 then it's only $30  left for the perfect shoes!" My mood goes down.

"Yeah, but you totally rock in that dress. BUY EITHER WAY, OR else I will do it for you!" Ella threatens me as a joke.

"Okay, but I need shoulder straps on this dress, or else I will drop it. I promise you and no one wants that to happen ..." I sigh and my mood starts to go up slowly.

You can't be in a bad mood when you're around Ella. She has this aura of happiness around her. Or maybe it's just because she's my best friend.

"For the first, it doesn't look like you will drop it. Plus, I don't think some guys in our class has something against that." Ella grins really big towards me.

"Probably, but I'm pretty sure I would have something against that!" I giggle again. 

"Alright, but since I enjoy crafting. I can fix the shoulder straps for you. I've done it many times before. So, what are you waiting for? BUY IT!" Ella jumps up and down with excitement.

"Really? Are you serious?" I give Ella a quizzical look.
Ella nods.

"Alright, I've decided now. I will buy it. Can we head home after this? You have already found your pink colored prom dress so we are finished right?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm done!" Ella says with her soft normal voice.

"Great! I really love this dress as well." I smile of happiness.

For the first time in a long time, I feel very confident about this dress, I'm going to buy. It screams this is me and this is who I'm. Also, I love flowers, especially roses, plus yellow is my favorite color so this dress is for real the perfect dress ever.


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