Chapter 15: Prom Day

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"Hey, girls! You two look gorgeous!" Camilia gasps when I and Ella enter the dance floor.

"Thanks. I really like your dress as well. The peach color really matches your blond hair." Ella says and gasps.

Besides Camilia is Ethan. I have stopped staring at him from across the room and stopped to think so much about him as well, but my thoughts start to spin when I see him. My foolish heart reminds me of everything I've tried to forget about. Everything.

"You both look, uh. A-amazing!" I say and start to be nervous.

"Can we please talk now?" Ethan asks me.

Awkward silences occur and I feel, Ella touches my arm, but I ignore her.

"N-No. Can't you understand why I've avoided you? All these past weeks?" I say and now I'm shaking as well.

Ethan takes my hand and we stare right into each other's eyes.
"Please?" Ethan says with his dark voice.

How could I say no?

"F-Fine." I mumble.

Ethan drags me to the table with soda drinks.

"Look Anna! On the day of the math class when I told the whole class I liked you. It was a lie. I apologize for giving you the wrong signals. Secondly, the day I rejected you. I apologize for that as well. Please, can you forgive me? I've missed you so much and I've to admit that the first times you spoke to me, I was surprised but happy." Ethan speaks and his brown chocolate eyes are looking into mine.

Say no and that he should have thought of apologizing for a long time ago.

"F-Fine." I mumble.

"Are we all good then? Oh, and by the way. Camilia has always been my huge crush so that's why I asked her and not you. It's nothing wrong with you I promise. You are an amazing girl and if my heart didn't belong to someone else I would totally love you instead!" Ethan says and pats me on my head.

"Okay. Yes, we are all good." I smile.

Had Ethan just complimented me? Wow. I didn't see that coming.

"Bring a partner and dance a slow dance now since I'm taking you back to the 80s. Oh, and this is Mike the DJ. Host for 9th graders prom. I'm also single if someone wants to know." the DJ say on the microphone. He's wearing a suit and large black headphones. I would guess he's in another 9th class. Since there are two 9th classes in our school.

Ella and I are standing close to Camilia and Ethan. While Jule and Diana are dancing with some boys from another class.

The DJ puts on Forever Young by Alphaville (

My mouth is suddenly wide open. I gasp. This is my favorite song of all times! The DJ is really good!

"Want to dance, Camilia?" Ethan asks and holds out his hand towards her.

"Hell no. I rather dance with a dirty pig. Oh, I'm sorry I had a very bad morning and right now I'm like super tired, but if I'm going, to be honest with you. I like you only as a friend. I'm sorry. Oh, and no thanks, I don't want to dance with you." Camilia fake a smile.

"Hey, Jule and Diana! You look amazing!" Camilia shouts as she walks away from us, but I can barely hear her over the loud music. The DJ must be deaf if he needs this loud to hear something.

"Want to dance?" a handsome guy asks Ella.

"Sure!" Ella says and her eyelashes are flickering.
Ella's best flirting move. I love it.

"So ... I guess I've to forget about Camilia then." Ethan says and his shoulders sink and he sighs multiple times.

"I'm so sorry for that, but you are leaving to England during the summer right? So maybe it's for the best. Oh, by the way ... Can we dance? As friends of course um ..." I carefully ask.

"Yeah. That would be cool, this is my favorite song!" Ethan says and looks a little bit happier.

"Oh my god! Mine too. I love this song!" I exclaim.

We are dancing. The slow dance together. Dancing to our favorite song.

The dance feels so good. Ethan's presence so close to me makes me feel so warm inside.

The minutes of the song passes by.

"Can you keep a secret?" Ethan whispers in my ear while we dance.

"IF I can. Of course, you can trust me!" I smile.

"So don't tell my friends, but ... " Ethan is on his way to say something, but he gets interrupted.

"Hey, Ethan!" Tom shouts as he walks towards Ethan.

"Yo, Ethan. Ah, I see you got a girl there. Yeah! Nice job!" Nick shouts as he walks towards Ethan.

The music ends and Ethan breaks free. 

"Hello!" Ethan grins towards his friends.

"Yo everyone. DJ Mike here again. The next song is from the 80s as well. Sorry for that, but I love the 80s, so bear with me. All the modern pop songs, I will play after this, I promise. Oh, and if any of you want my phone number just ask!" The DJ says in the microphone. 

Even though the DJ is a bit annoying, I can't help admitting that he looks hot and nice. Not crush material no, yet he seems like a nice guy.

I recognize the intro to the following song, it's Heaven by Bryan Adams. ( I like this song as well, so I can't help it, I start to slowly swing my body gently side to side to the song.

"Oh! Is this your crush? I thought you liked Camilia not Anna? Or did you change your mind without telling me or Nick? Come on bro. Answer!" Tom hits Ethan lightly on his arm.

"No. We are just friends!" Ethan responds.

"Yeah, bro. I'm not buying it. Anna is as hot as Camilia. You have to admit it or else I will!" Tom winks towards me.

I think no one can imagine how awkward this feels and it is probably not a good idea that I move myself side to side to the beat of the music, while everyone else is dancing together with a partner. 

"Doesn't both of you guys have a girlfriend?" I interrupt.

"Oh. I forgot that you were here, however you're right. We will leave you alone with Ethan as you wish, my lady!" Tom winks towards me, then he walks away.

"Dance with her bro!" Nick hit Ethan on his arm, smiling, then he leaves.

"Thanks. Do you want to dance to this song as well? I mean it might not be so long as the other one because the song probably ends soon, but it really looks like you want to dance." Ethan teases me.

"Yeah," I mumble while I'm looking ashamed.

After the song ends, I stare into Ethan's eyes and he stares into mine.

"I love you!" I say without any self-control.

"I wish I could say the same to you, but honestly, I'm confused. I need time to think, but I think I still like Camilia. I'm sorry!" Ethan says and then he just walks away and leaves me alone on the dance floor.

Some people give me weird gazes.
Well ... This was embarrassing. Left alone, on the dance floor.

I constantly look around the area to find Ethan, but I can't see him anywhere. He must have left earlier or something.

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