Chapter 17: English lesson

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I know you shouldn't transfer your feelings onto another person, but sometimes, I believe that's how you solve your problem about thinking of someone because sometimes the only way to forget completely about a crush is to get a new crush. Sadly, that wouldn't work for me since it doesn't feel the same when I'm with Mike. Mike is my new friend and that's all.

"Sad that Ethan left our school yesterday, right?" Camilia sighs.

"Uh? Are you talking to me or Ella?" I ask and I feel very confused.

"Both of you. Plus, I don't feel like study English grammar right now!" Camilia looks bored.

"Yeah! It's sad, I agree. Ethan was a fun person." Ella sighs.

"Yeah. He is my crush." I awkwardly make something that is kind of a smile. My thoughts are going back to the day when prom was. When I and Ethan slowed danced together. It was amazing! I'm forced to come back to reality when Ella clears her throat.

"Is he your crush? Haven't you tried to forget about him for a very long time now, then why do you say he is your crush, when he should be your previously crush?" Ella asks and I can almost see how her head works and spins around out of confusion, or at least that is how her facial expression looks like.

"Because I've almost forgotten about Ethan or like kind of, so that's why I say he is still my crush, just in case I change my mind," I whisper to Camilia and Ella.

"Okay! I'm even more confused now, speaking of other people. What about Mike? I totally ship you and him. You two seem to be comfortable with each other. You two would make a great couple!" Camilia says and hits me lightly on my arm.

"I agree with both things Camilia said! Especially about Mike! You two would match! Did you see on the prom yesterday? The way he looked at you, Anna? It's called love at first sight. Oh, it would be so cute if you two would be together!" Ella says and takes one hand on each of her cheeks and then she presses her cheek with her hands.  That's Ella's sign for her dying inside because it's too cute for her to handle. It's very weird, but it's cute when she does that.

"Ooh. Just at least think about it. He could be your first boyfriend!" Camilia says.

"Eww ... No. Speaking of other things. I can't believe it's the end of term soon. The year is finally over. I'm so tired I really need summer break!" I smile at the thought of summer break.

"I guess I should have told you this earlier, but I wouldn't come back after the end of the term," Camilia says and look down because she probably feels guilty for not telling us earlier.

"What? Are you kidding? You have to be kidding! Please, say that you are kidding with us now!" Ella exclaims frustrated. 

"No. Uhm. My parents got a job in Australia so we are going to move there, but I'm sure we can come back and visit this place in the future." Camilia continues.

"Wait? Are you going to move from the US to Australia? What a time change that would be!" I gasp.

Ella takes control over herself again and looks less frustrated now.

"Oh, okay. That's really sad! Hm... What about hosting a party?" Ella starts to smile.

I gasp.
"An end of year party!" My face brights up.

"Yes, Anna! That would be so funny, right?" Ella smiles.

I watch as Ella takes out a piece of paper from her English notebook. She folds the paper until it looks like a party hat, then she puts the party hat on her head, she looks at me with a radiant look and she's smiling.

"Party!" She says and then she laughs.

"I love parties and we can invite the whole class!" Camilia smiles her biggest smile so her dimples are shown.

"My parents are always home so what about yours?" I respond while I put my head on the desk. After I few seconds, I put up my head really fast.

"Wait a minute ... Our class on a party? What if people will bring stuff like alcohol? We're not even adults, yet!" I exclaim, quiet and look at them with wide-eyed eyes. 
I'm terrified if that would happen. My parents would go crazy, but at least they would trust me.

"We wouldn't allow that to happen, right Camilia?" Ella says while she is sending a playful warning gaze towards Camilia. What the gaze actually means, in this case, is I know you wouldn't let that happen, but I'm going to make a joke about this anyway.

Camilia hesitates and then she giggles for some seconds.

"Exactly and if they do, we will just kick them out and point the finger to them! The middle finger!"

Ella, Camilia and I all at the same time burst into laughing.

"What's so funny back there?" Our English teacher asks.

"Let me handle this. I know what I do!"Ella whispers to us.

I give Ella a confused look, she returns my look by smiling.

"Nothing ... Or we were just talking about ... " Ella makes a short pause. She looks at the board where it says Do the grammar worksheet. IF done study for the upcoming quiz!
"Grammar worksheet?" Ella hesitates.

"Just work and stop talking!" Our English teacher glares at us.

I put my head on the desk and blush.
This is so embarrassing! Even though this time, I don't have to impress a certain guy because Ethan's gone and Mike doesn't go in my class, but anyway it's still very embarrassing since I hate when the whole class gives me and my friends all the attention. My best friend Ella and my friend Camilia, loves to be in the center and get all the attention, but not me, I rather stay away from the spotlight if it's possible.

"Psst ... Girls! My parents are not home this weekend. What about a party in the weekend on Saturday?" Ella whispers to us.

"Sure!" I whisper back.

Camilia nods.

"I'll start making the cards for the party," Ella whispers.

"Miss Ella, Anna, and Camilia. Stop talking. This is the last time I warned you girls. The next person who I hear is talking from anyone in this classroom, gets kicked out of the classroom!" The teacher sighs and rolls his eyes in our way.

"I will invite the whole class and Mike?" Ella whispers to me.

Eh ... Why not. 

I nod slowly.

"MISS ELLA! Out, don't bother coming back if you are going to talk more. Out. Now!" The teacher points at the door for Ella.

I mime the word sorry towards Ella. 
Ella responds by smiling hugely.

"Thanks, teacher. I was just making cards for a special party. Oh, for the record. You're not invited! Teachers aren't allowed to come to such a cool party!" Ella smiles and giggles while she walks past the teacher on her way out to the corridor.

Oh, Ella. She gets in trouble sometimes, but she's still a really nice friend and she always cares about her friends especially me. Her best friend and I love her for that!

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