Chapter 20: End of the term

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Dear Diary:
It was a while since I wrote anything here. Anyway. Last week. I got kissed by Mike. Mike the DJ from the prom omg!

Camilia will leave to Australia after today :( I'll miss her very much because I've got close to her now. 
Another thing, Ella, and Erik have broken up and Ella is still sad after one week, but it's fine, she will probably find a new guy in no time. She is the one and only flirting queen.

Today it is the end of term day and I will meet Mike again. I hope it wouldn't be awkward. Should I kiss him back today? I haven't stopped thinking of Mike, since the day last week when he kissed me.

Oh. The time flies. I have to go and get ready.

I drop my pencil and walk over to the wardrobe. I change into a pair of white jeans and a light blue T-shirt and put my silver watch on my wrist. My outfit will look really summer themed.

I look at my phone and a new message from Ella is in the inbox.

I reply:
Finally!!!!!!!!!!!! :D + I'll meet Mike again today. Yay <3

Then I put my phone in my pocket and I head down to eat breakfast.
I drink my orange juice and eat my turkey sandwich.

"Mom! Can you give me a ride to school?" I ask during breakfast.

"Sure, but we need to leave now, I have to be at work soon!" Mom responds. 
Automatically, I start to chew faster.
"I'm soon finished! I just need to go to the bathroom and then I'm done!" I speak with my mouth full of the turkey sandwich.
"Make sure you do that fast then." Mom drinks up her last coffee, then she heads over to the sink to place her coffee mug.

I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I brush faster than usual.

"Anna sweetie, we need to leave now if both you and I will be on time!" Mom shout from the hallway.

"I'm done!" I shout with toothpaste in my mouth.
I quickly spit the toothpaste out and run towards the hallway.

While in the car I breathe heavily.
Yes! I was done in time. Then, I wouldn't risk any chance of getting my clothes dirty on my way to school.

"Have a nice last school day! See you in the evening! Oh, one thing, if you want to invite Mike and your friends over in the evening please do so. Dad and I are planning a barbecue as dinner and we would like to have company." Mom speaks and she smiles.

"Sounds fun, thanks for the ride I really appreciate it!" I hug my Mom.

I jump out of the car and close the car's door, then I look for Ella.

I take a look at my silver watch. 
Let's see, Ella and Camilia usually show up five minutes before we start and it's 20 minutes left. Okay, I'll have to wait.

I sigh. I'll have to wait alone for them.

"Hey, Anna! I've missed you!" a strange guy speaks with me. His hair looks different and his clothes too.

"Who're you?" I ask and feel a bit scared.

"Don't you recognize me without my costume. That hurts my feelings!" Mike chuckles.

"Mike!" I smile and laugh.

"Yep. It's me. So how are you doing?" Mike asks.

"I'm so sorry for not recognizing you! I'm fine. I wait for my friends, but I want to ask you something. I've thought very much about what you did for one week ago when you know you kissed me." I blush the tomato red blush.

"I remember!" Mike smiles. 

"I have thought about our kiss a lot and you. So ... I wonder if you would like to be my boyfriend?"
Okay. I can't believe I just asked Mike that. How stupid, it's too early, we barely know each other! He will probably run away now or something because he will think I'm so weird.

"I do!" A huge smile spreads across Mike's face.

"Really? Great! By the way, tonight my parents are going to have a barbecue at our house. Please come if you would like!" I take Mike's hand as we start walking toward the assembly hall.

"I'll come!"
Mike stops me, gives me a kiss on my cheek, then we continue walking hand in hand towards the assembly hall. 
I blush the tomato red blushing and it feels like I'm on pink soft clouds.
Mike is now my first boyfriend ever! I'm really happy about it and I can't believe it's true! Little did I know he would actually say yes to be my boyfriend.

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