Chapter 2 : Running Away

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I took Ben's hand without hesitation "are you sure you want to do this Sally?.... I'm not trying to force you or anything it's your decision" he told me giving a my hand a slight squeeze..." I'm sure Ben! Now let's go before they notice were running away" I retorded squeezing his hand back.

Ben led me down the fire escape carefully until my feet could touch the ground...Ben quickly took my hand and half drag half carry me.

"Ben we've been running for hours especially you...I think we should rest for a while.." I asked pleading and trying to catch my breath at the same time holding Ben's hand

"fine...but we have to find a place to hide" he answered hesitantly and letting a out a tiresome sigh I nod to his idea in agreement.

We found an old house near the forest it was abandoned but we still raided the house anyway hoping there's food or clothes that would help us conceal our identity...

The house was actually pretty big from the inside and a little luxurious which made me feel suspicious but I didn't care right now because I have Ben and I know that he'll protect me....after searching the rooms for hours Ben found a green hoodie and I found a really large but comfortable white hoodie that passed my knees making me look like I was wearing a white dress with a hoodie.

We also found canned food in some of the cabinets in the kitchen....we filled our selves up like there was tomorrow and fell asleep....Ben woke me up telling me that it's time for us to pack up and go.." you think we can survive on our own?" I asked him sweetly " Of course we will, We're kids..the world is on our side.." he replied in a serious but playful voice.

I walked outside hand and hand with Ben thinking what were going to do next and where were going it was about 3:18 in the morning when we started walking out of the forest when I saw a really skinny but tall tree...but it wasn't a tree it - it was a man...


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