Chapter 19 : The

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"Yeah yeah yeah..I get it! we won't be late anymore!!" I yelled back at daddy "just get off my back!! I'm really tired I need to sleep!"

"Fine...we'll finish this tomorrow young lady! and you to young man!" he said giving Jeff and I a 'death glare'

"We got it!!!" Jeff and I yelled in unison...I then got up to my room and got ready for bed  when I remembered about my bear..Charlie by the window I walked across my bed to the window I moved the curtains looking for Charlie but I couldn't find him

"BENN!!" I yelled across the hallway "Come here!!"

"What the hell is it!?" he asked

"Really!? you know what it is!"

"Ah no...actually I don' it about this morning?"  I feel my face getting red as he reminded me about the incident.

"ohh...yah uhm what happened with daddy? and what the hell did you do to my bear!?"

"it was uhm..fine I guess..he threatened to kill me and personally skin me...besides that everything was fine..he approved..about us...and I didn't do anything to your damn bear!"

"oh my goodness! did he really I'm soo happy!" I ran towards with my arms ready to hug him until I saw Ben just fall straight on his face his green sweater turning into a dark that blood? it-it can't be..nobodies in the room

"D-daddy! h-help me!!" I screamed almost in the verge of bawling daddy didn't come w-what happened?

"Aww Sally don't cry I'm here to comfort you like old times.." a soft voice said behind me...I turned around reaching for my knife...wait my knife was in the hoodie that I gave to Jeff  ugh! 

"W-Who's t-there?" I asked stuttering

"S-Sally~ y-you don't remember me~?" the voice asked mockingly 

"Who the hell are you!?" I asked again

"Sally watch your mouth! I don't remember you being rude!" the voice replied walking closer to me 

"C-Charlie? i-is t-that you?" the thing started running towards me now "SALLLYYY!! I missed you so much!" the thing said I mean Charlie my supposedly lifeless bear Charlie

"H-How did this happen?" I asked

"Slendy gave me life he stole a soul from somebody and planted it into me giving me consciousness...well I was already conscious but I couldn't really communicate to you...remember when Slendy gave me back you?" I nodded in response "that's when he put the soul into me and a few weeks ago I was able to take control of this body...and the first thing I wanted to do was tell you about it!"

"B-but why did you stab B-Ben?" I asked again anger occupying me

 "I just wanted to be alone with Sally.." he replied a smirk appearing on his face


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