Chapter 9 : Daddy's Work Part 3

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~Victims POV~

My friends dared me to go into the forest to find a note that was supposedly for me from my crush and I fell for it I went into the forest not knowing what the consequences were

"Come on Grace! it's from your crush~" 

"Yah sure I'm just gonna go to the deep scary forest and accidentally get killed looking for a fucking note that doesn't exist...yah I'm that fucking stupid!" I retorted sarcastically

"Come on! don't be a fucking pussy just go into the forest for an hour we have surprise for you for your birthday"

"You ruined the surprise dumbass!"

"Well sorry! she's not going!"

"Ugh fine! I'm going!! just for an hour and I'm done got it!?" 

"Yah just go!"

I entered the forest I walked around for several minutes not knowing that I was getting deeper and deeper into the forest I heard static sound but it was faint so I just shrugged it off, minutes past and I found a big clearing I saw a piece of paper hanging on a tree as I got closer to it I saw something scribbled on it I read it out loud iy says

"Always watches no eyes..hmm?" there was a drawing of a circle and 2 x's on it the static noise that I heard earlier came back it this time it was louder the sound was deafening me so I panicked and started screaming I was staring to black out when I saw a tall figure wearing a suit it was towering me I looked up and stares at it's face but it didn't have a face it was all white, I saw two tiny figures behind it I reached my hand out to them trying to warn them about the thing but they just walked closer to me one of the figures kneeled infront of me it was a little girl with a pink dress on

The girl spreaded her short hands as if warning the monster to back off wait waht she actually trying to protect me!? but she's a little girl

After what seemed like hours of staring at the thing I felt a sharp stabbing pain on my back the next thing I know I was laying on my own blood the 2 kids passed out right beside me.  


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