Chapter 3 : The "Man"

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The 'man' that I saw when we were walking is now gone but I'm afraid he'll show up again..what if he tries to attack us!? how are we going to protect ourselves!? were just little kids..maybe we should go back to the orphanage...maybe we really can't manage being on our own..

"Sally! Sally!" I heard Ben yelling at me I didn't realize I was spacing out...this 'man' is making me stressed and worried.."huh? w-what? what did I miss?" I asked innocently..

"Nothing really..I just want to know why you keep spacing it because I took you away from the orphanage or is it because you just don't like being with me?" 

"Wh-what no! no no NO that's not why it's just that I-I" I can't figure out what to say..It's not that I don't like him if anything I like being with him I feel safe and happy...It's because of that 'man' that appeared earlier...

Before I could finish my sentence the 'man' suddenly appeared a couple of feet away from us without the 'man' got closer there was a static sound that got louder and louder that was deafening me from whatever Ben was saying..

Fortunately the sound stopped and the man was gone.."Ben are you ok?" I asked Ben while putting down his green hoodie 

"yah..I'm bout you are you ok? are you hurt?" he asked impatiently 

"No..Im f-" the 'man' reappeared again but this time he was much closer if anything he was above us like 9 feet above us and that's saying something we were 4 feet tall pretty short I know but were kids..

I searched for the man's face...but to my surprise he didn't have a face...but he had hollow spaces where his features should be...

Ben stood up infront of me so he could protect me.....nodody moved an inch from there position for couple of minutes until Ben fell right next to me and the 'man' streched out his slender slim hand for us to reach

I hesitated for a while but after sensing that he's not going to do anything bad to us I took his hand so did Ben he helped us up from the ground and introduced himself to us as Slenderman...well that explains the name but that didn't explain the face and the suit at all.. 


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