Chapter 17 : Family

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"Ben come with me to my office" daddy said calmly

"Y-yes s-sir" Ben stuttered

Uh-oh this is not good THIS. IS. NOT. GOOD! I said to myself forgetting that Jeff was right beside me I face palmed myself Ugh! I told Ben this is not the time to tell him! why can't he listen to me!?

"Aren't you too young to have a boyfriend!?" Jeff asked mockingly

"NO.! I told you I'm fucking 17! I'm two years older than you! and right now isn't the time ok!?"

"Jeeez! somebody's on their period today! wait w-wait-wait wait WAIIIIIITTTT"

"What the fuck did you just say!? what did you say you little piece a shit!?"

"I didn't say anything!! I didn't mean it!! I'M SORRY!!"

"You got that right YOU WILL BE SORRY!" I said talking my knife and Jeff positioning himself to run toward the door

"You're going to die tonight Joker YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING DIEEE!!" I screamed laughing  maniacally "you better say your prayers!!"

"W-W-wait S-sally I didn't mea-" I raised my knife as he continued to finish his sentence stuttering this chore better be fun! "You're gonna die!" and with that last phrase I said Jeff sprinted to the woods I was right behind Jeff until I saw something in the corner of my eye I thought it was favorite teddy bear Charlie staring at me...but it can't be he was up in my room lifeless I shrugged the image off thinking it was nothing and tried to chase Jeff again


"Ok jeez woman! I got the message" Jeff whined trying to knock me off him

"You better or else I will really beat the crap out of you!" I replied punching his shoulder

"But didn't that help?"

"Help? help what?"

" you think about something else instead of just thinking about that problem" 

I was shocked about what he said but he did help me get my mind out of the conflict that's happening right now...I can't believe he did that for me I've always treated him as if he's not part of the family but here he is infront of me helping me get my mind off things

"Uhm Thanks...." I whispered hoping that he woudn't hear it or else he'll make fun of me again

"It's all good I've always thought of you as a real sister even though you didn't exactly treat me as a brother but it's all good after all were all family" Jeff said in reply "Let's go it's getting dark and a little bit know how dad is when we don't get home in time"

"Yah..I'm sorry by the  way for the past year"

"It's all fine...I don't hold a grudge against you or anything" 


Ben X SallyWhere stories live. Discover now