Chapter 8 : Daddy's Work Part 2

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Right after Daddy said goodbye he walked out the door reminding us what to do and what not to the door clicked closed and Ben and I were alone watching TV

"We should follow him!" Ben suggested

"uhm how bout a NO.!" I replied

"Don't you want to know what he does?" he asked

"Well I do but he told us not to leave the house or else we'll get lost"

"Oh come on! Please! and plus he can't be far he just left a few minutes ago!!"

"Fine but if we get in trouble I am soooo BLAMING.YOU.!"

"We won't get lost we'll make a trail"

Ben grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door, he opened the door so cautiously that it produced no sound 

"Let's go to an ADVENTURE!!~" he sang

"Ugh..we are going to so dead if he finds out!" I warned

We heard a scream coming deeper in the forest, we looked at each other and nodded ugh this is not good at all! what was that scream!?


Ben X SallyWhere stories live. Discover now