Chapter 14 : Brother?

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"Wait daddy! what do you mean by brother?" I asked confused

"I mean your going to care for him and treat him like his family because he is" daddy retorted

"WHAT!!??!?!?!?" Jeff and I asked in unison

"You two are going to get along like siblings alright!?"

"b-but uggggghhh why!? THE. HUMANITY!?"

What the hell!? why why why!? he almost killed me before! doesn't daddy know that!

'Yes Sally I know that! but I will protect you if he tries it again' daddy sending me a telephatic message

"Ugh! again with the mind reading! you said you weren't going to read my mind anymore!!

"Sorry...I just happened to hear it!"


Jeff, Ben and I were sitting in the living room watching a movie it was called Children of the Corn, it was actually a funny movie it wasn't scary at all sure the children kills people but seriously I live with a faceless demon, a boy that tried to kill me the first time we met and uhh.....Ben yah...Ben who can wipe out a family of five in a blink of an eye what the hell!? my family is scarier than the movie!?

"Children it's time to eat!~" dad said

I guess he's in a good mood today yes! time to get rid of this kid!

"Coming!~" we all replied in unison

"Sooooo Da-"


"I didn't even say anything yet!?"

"nope nope nope nope"

"You don't even know what I was going to say!? you're all just like whoopdie fucking no! what the hell?!"

"Sally please watch you language! goddammit!"

"you're the one using the God's name in vain here!"

"Just stop ok!? he's your brother and that's it!! now stop asking me to get rid of him and eat your freaking pasta!!"


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