Chapter 21 : Dad

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* I'm SORRY for last week's update it so short and it basicallly had nothing interesting in it to read and for this late was spring break and so I was in a educational tour going to Washington D.C. we were not allowed to use the hotel's WiFi and plus my phone net is so slow so I just decided to update when I get back so HERE YA' GO!!"    

: Flashback :

"I just wanted to be alone with Sally.." he replied a smirk appearing on his face

"What do you want?" I asked

"Didn't you miss me at all?" he replied with a question

"I..uhm I-I d- I did m-miss you"

"Ohhh! Sally!! I'm sooo happy you missed me!!"

"O-of course I did..uhm c-can I ask you a favor Charlie?"

"Yes! anything for Sally~ what is it?~" he asked a knife still in his paw

"W-will you he-help Be-Ben?"

"Why?" he asked with his cheery face turning expressionless

"Be-because he's going to die if we don't help c-can you help me?"

"NO....let him die" he's face was still expressionless

"NO!! that's it you!! I WILL. KILL. YOU. You demonic bear!"

"But Sally love me don't you because I love you and I just wanted to protect you.."

: End of Flashback :

"PROTECT ME!?!? I don't need protection from a fucking bear!! leave me alone!!" I screamed but quickly regretting it....Charlie clutched the knife on his paw tighter walking toward me in a menacing pace

~Slendy's POV~ 

 I was awoken by Sally's voice asking for me I gave out a groan and weakly answered "I-I'm coming sweety..." I stood up lazily walking towards my door groping for the damn door knob in the dark I finally found the damn door knob I turned it finding to my surprise it was locked "Kids!!! if this is one of your pranks it isn't funny!!" I waited for a response but got none I heard Sally's voice yelling at somebody and a scream accompanying it "Sally!" now I was yelling but it seems like nobody could hear me "Jeff!! somebody!?" I was panicking what was happening outside my door? I tried everything I can including magic and trashing around but it doesn't seem to help at all danmmit it looks like the door was binded by magic stronger than mine!? what the hell is happening?!

I walked towards my window to see if it was open which I highly doubt it will but I still tried..."wait for it wait for it and....HUH!?" I gasped the window opened easily I 'face' palmed myself for not checking the window first "I'm soo stupid!" I looked down the window and set up my self to jump on three..." one - two - th - threeeeee!!!" I landed on the ground with no problem I forgot I was tall enough to just hang my feet out the window and walk down...I looked at Sally's window and knocked using my tendrilsbut nobody answered I tried opening it but the same magic that locked my door was used on Sally's window now I got reallyy worried I went around to the front door hoping that it was not lock...I was happy finding out that it wasn't lock but that was quickly washed away with fear and alarmness when I heard Sally scream again...I rushed to her door but the damn magic was still there what's happening!? I could hear Jeff in his room trashing arouond "Jeff what's happening!?" 

"Dad? is that you?"

"'s me what's happening son?" I asked 

"I heard Sally sceaming and said something about Charlie...who's Charlie!?" fear ran through my body my hands getting colder

"Jeff I can't open the escape by the window...I have to try to get into Sally's room you have to help me hurry!"

"Sally sweety!? are you in there Sally are you ok what happened!?" I asked impatiently outside her door

"I'm sorry Mr. she can't talk right now I can take a message if you want me to" an unfamiliar voice replied 

"Who's in there!?"

"Why...your the one who gave me life Mr. it's me Charlie...." the voice said earnestly 

"Open the GODAMN door!!" I demanded

"Sorry no...... please leave a message....BEEEEEEEEEEEEP" he replied mockingly


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