Chapter 22 : Brother

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* SURPRISE!!!! update whoot whoot!! ohh and I've been thinking should I do dedications if I should COMMENT YES or something then I'll figure out the rest SHANKYOU!! ^-^ *

~Jeff's POV~

I was getting to get to bed when I heard shuffling and argument from Sally's room "Oh my GOD! you two are dating not married!!" I screamed but didn't get any kind of response back so I just decided to ignore the noise and tried to sleep......after an hour I still coudn't sleep the wet rag that I put on my eyes are getting dried and the argument in Sally's room still haven't died down so I went into my bathroom to change it I was wringing the towel when I hear Sally screaming and a loud thud accompanying it....I ran to my door  I turned the knob but it woudn't turn I started throwing things at it until there was nothing to throw so I started kicking it

"Jeff what's happening!?"  I heard a familiar voice ask me

"Dad? is that you?" I asked

"'s me what's happening son?" the voice calmed me down it was dad's

"I heard Sally screaming and said something about Charlie...who's Charlie!?" I asked impatiently 

"Jeff I can't open the escape by the window...I have to try to get into Sally's room you have to help me hurry!" he replied hastily walking away from my door......I made my  way to the window I looked back one last time ready to jump when I saw the white hoodie that Sally gave me there was something shiny in the pocket I gaped when I saw it was a was Sally's knife she didn't have anything to protect herself with and it's my fault for being so damn cold!! I rushed to the window with the knife in my hand...I landed on all fours but I don't care I have to help my sister right now I ran to the front door and up the stairs seeing dad outside Sally's door

"Open the GODAMN door!!" dad demanded

"Sorry no...... please leave a message....BEEEEEEEEEEEEP" a voice said mockingly

"What's happening where's Sally and Ben!? where's Ben is Sally ok?" I asked questions flooding out of my mouth

"I don't knoww!! all I know is their probably both in danger but I couldn't open the door there's some kind of magic that wouldn't let us in...and my magic isn't working!!" 

I started kicking the door dad held me back with his tendrils "It's not going to help!! we have to calm down and find a better and resourceful solution!!"

"W-why" I started sobbing like a little kid infront of the man that took me in "Why wouldn't it open PLEASE OPEN the door I want to see my sister!" The door opened with a groan and small figure coming out of the room

" did you know?" the figure asked

"Kn-know what?" I asked

"To open the door I was sure noboby would say please in this house...hi by the way my name is Charlie" the small figure emerge from the darkness into the well lit room was a bear 

"Youuu! I shoudn't have given you a soul!" dad announced like a mad man "I'm getting back that soul!!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!???? you mean you can take back this soul!?"  the bear asked shocked

"YES I can!! and I will right now" dad said chanting something the bear then fell lifelessly on the floor...I ran into the room looking for my sister Sally? the room was pitch black dad entered the room and looked for the light switch he turned on the light and what I saw stunned me...


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