Chapter 25 : Sleep Talking

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~Ben's POV in the real world~

It's been a week since the incident with the bear...he's been visiting her too everyday like me...but it pisses me off! I don't get it...I just don't! why did Dad give him another soul when he removed the other one! this thing might look cute and cuddle-ble but I don't buy it! it's just wrong! He tried to hurt Sally...I rushed out of Sally's room to dad's office

"Why!?" I asked bursting into his office

"Why what Ben? Is something wrong!?" He asked standing up from his chair

"Yah something's wrong! Why did you bring that bear back to life after what it did to Sally! Why!? I thought your supposed to take care of us!? So why did you bring back that abomination that attacked Sally!?"

"I had to..." He answered loosely

"You had to? What the hell are you saying!?"

"Sally asked me to give the bear another soul before she got totally unconcious and going into a coma.."

"But..why!?" I ran back to Sally's room..I saw the bear on the nightstand by Sally's bed changing the almost dead flowers "can you leave?!" I asked a little harsher than I intend to..the bear just nodded in response and jumped off the nightstand

I walked slowly to Sally's bedside and grabbed the stool under her bed..her curly brown hair was covering her eyelids I moved the strands one by one.."I want to get out of this world...but how? Tell me" I gasped as I heard Sally whispering

"World? I waonder what she's dreaming about right now..." I said to myself 

"This world is twisted I want to get away from here help me.." Sally murmured again her face looking stressed

"Twisted? and who are you talking to?" I asked myself

"No..plea-pleasee..don-don't leave me.." tears escaped from Sally closed eyelids

"Sally..wake up for me..please Sally.." I whispered into her ear

"I- I'll wake up for you...I promise.." she replied with a smile on her face...I held Sally's hand like it was my life line I rest my head on her hands caressing it with my thumb "Wake up for me Sally...please...wake up for me...I love you.."

"I will..I lo-love you too.." Sally replied shifting and her face was full of worry again

"Everything will be fine.." I whispered into her ear which seem to flush away the worry out of face


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