Chapter 16 : Acceptance

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~Ben's POV~

"Well don't be, because remember I. ONLY. LOVE. YOU" she replied pecking my cheek

"I know....I know I love you too but when are we telling daddy about this?" I asked

"When were ready to tell him"

"I'm ready-"

"Well I'm not! listen we'll find the perfect day to tell him okay?"



I saw Sally and Jeff in front of Dad I could hear there conversation

"Sally and Jeff you know what your chores are today right?" dad asked

"ugh..yes we dooo!" Sally and Jeff replied in unison, Sally started heading to the door until I grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall

"Ben what the-" I cut her off by smashing my lips into hers, I saw Jeff and dad at the corner of my eye staring at us wide eyed, Sally tried to push me off but I was too strong for her, I guess those weeks of training really paid off, so dad finally snapping out of his thoughts grabbed me by the waist and dragged me beside him growling

"WHAT. WAS. THAT!?" dad asked with a hint of confusion in his voice

"That was uhm...uhm..." Sally said trying to answer his question

"I'm going out with Sally!" I said with courage and determination in my voice

"B-Ben..I dont t-think this is the-"

"SILENCE!" dad's voice rang around the house

"Ben come with me to my office"

"Y-yes s-sir" I replied, I'm going to be in so much trouble! why!? why the hell did I do that!? whyy!?

We walked up the stairs and pass the hang over where Jeff and Sally would see us and Slen- I mean dad just stopped and slowly turned his faceless white head to me if he had eyes I swear they probably would be sending daggers into me right now!

"So Ben.." Dad said in a calm yet firm voice "Can you repeat what you just said earlier?"

Oh boy....I gulped and cleared my throat " I-I'm d-dating Sally" I replied slightly stuttering

" dating My LITTLE GIRL ARE YOU!?"

"Y-yes Sir I am....I love her and she's not uhm a little girl anymore she's 17 almost 18.."

"I know that! but she's still my little girl!! and trust me when I say this... I. WILL. HUNT. YOU. DOWN. PERSONALLY. SKIN. YOU. ALIVE. AND. FEED. YOU. TO. THE. EVILIST. CREATURES. IN. THE FACE. OF THE. UNDER. REALM if you hurt MY little girl got it!?" he said with a 'smile'

I just nodded in response not wanting to say a word or else my tongue will be cut off...wait does this mean he's accepting me? yes! but he didn't have to threaten me like that I would never hurt Sally and if I did I would personally kill myself for doing such a foolish thing...I will never hurt her.


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