Chapter 11 : The Thirst For Blood

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It has 3 years since I killed another human being, I was shocked about it first it but I felt so-so alive and happy doing it, maybe I should go back to the orphange and-and KILL all of those people that made fun of me they should be punished for what they did to me and Ben!

All my mind can think of right now is Kill KILL kill KiLL kill KILL, I love how the warmth feeling of blood touches my skin, I love the feeling of agony from my victims, I love when they scream pathetically for help, I loved all of it.

I decided to come back to the orphanage, I wonder if the bitch is still there....I walked out of the woods that kept me hidden and safe for 3 years and headed to orphanage the sun was still down so I think it's just probably 1:00 in the morning, good nobody is awake! I'll have a killing spree!

As I got closer to the orphanage somebody pulled me back to the nearby alley, it covered my eyes and my mouth as I try to scream.

"Sally! what the hell are you doing!?" Ben asked me removing his hands out of my mouth

"Can't you see I'm doing you a favor! I'm preventing those people from taking us away from daddy!"

"No Sally! LISTEN! what Slenderman does doesn't concern us in any sort! he might have given us everything we wanted but what he does is wrong Sally! it's not good to kill people! ar-"

"NO. BEN! YOU. LISTEN.! don't you want those people to pay for what they did to us! don't you!"

"Well I do!, but we can do that in another way!"

"How Ben tell me HOW.! and I'll let those people live!"

"I-I don't know OK!? I just don't want to kill other people!"

"Ben please! you-you love me right!?"

"W-Well Y-yah but what does that have to do with anything?"

"You'll protect me and comfort me right?"

"Sally yes! stop this now! you're scaring me!"

"then come with me! we can kill them together! and then I would really know if you really love me!"


"Ben! tell me! are you going with me or not!"

"Y-YES. I'm going with you....because I want you to know that I do care about you!"


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