Begin Again.*

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Okay so if you don't remember how this goes from this first book, if there is a star at the end of the chapter title, there's a smut somewhere in the chapter. So if you do not wish to read that, there will be a hyphen where the story yeah!


I fumbled with the keys to my apartment. Shawn's arms were wrapped around my waist while placing small kisses on the back of my neck.

When I finally got the door open, my back was firmly pressed against the wall.

"I've missed you so much Lex," Shawn mumbled and I smiled at the thought of hearing that name again.

No one has called me Lex or Lexi for such a long time, it's only strictly been Alexis.  I never really gave much thought to how much I missed being called that, or only because it's Shawn saying it.

"I've missed you too Shawn," I sighed against his lips as he picked me up from the ground.

In seconds, I felt my back hit the comforter of my bed.  I remember how this played out when we had our first time together. 

From when we were apart, I never dated anyone or did anything with anybody.  It would hurt me too much to know that I did something with someone other than Shawn.

"God I can't remember how this felt like," Shawn groaned while pulling off my shirt.

"It's okay, I trust you," I said and pulled him back to my lips.

"I love you so much Alexis," he mumbled against my lips as I tried removing his pants.

"I love you too Shawn," I sigh as his lips began sucking on my neck.

I felt my hands start roaming on his back.  He pulled away and pulled his shirt over his head, making me gasp.  I was still fully clothed, but I knew that was about to change.

My fingers traced circles along his toned chest, and my body started trembling.  His eyes turned dark as I met his eyes.  He bit his bottom lip and I smiled.

He pressed his lips back onto mine while unbuttoning my pants.  I felt them slowly slide down my legs making me tremble in need for him.

"Shawn," I groaned and his lips trailed down my stomach.

My hands got twisted into his brown locks, and I arched my back, allowing him to unclasp my bra. I moved my hands away from his body and covered my bare breasts.

He slowly pulled down my panties and looked at me. I gasped when I felt the cool air between my legs.

My eyes dropped, and I wasn't used to him seeing me like this. It's been so long that I didn't know if he would still like me this way.

"Lex?" He mumbled and I hummed in response.

"Please don't hide yourself from me, you're so beautiful," he said and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"A-are you s-sure," I stuttered and he nodded.

"I'm sure beautiful," he mumbled and started removing his boxers.

My eyes widened as I saw his length. I hadn't seen him in so long that I forgot what he looked like.

"Okay," I nodded.

I slid up onto the bed and Shawn slowly climbed back on top of me.

"Get under the covers," he said and followed me afterwards.

"Lex, I don't have a condom on me," he said and I shook my head.

"It's okay, I'm on the pill," I assured him and he just nodded.

"You sure?" He said and I nodded.

"I'm sure," I said and he gently pressed his lips against mine.

Our lips moved in sync and I slowly started to feel him sliding into me. I tried to hold in my moan, but the way Shawn made me feel couldn't let me hold it in.

"God I missed how you would sound baby," he said and I giggled.

He started moving at a faster pace, not allowing me to adjust to his large size. My nails start digging into his back. He started moving faster making me scream out his name.

"S-Shawn," I moaned and he just grunted.

"Baby please come for me," he groaned and continued to dig my nails into his back wanting more of him.

"Shawn, I-" I cut off my sentence, unable to continue with it.

"I know baby, I feel you," he moaned I nodded.

I continued to scream his name as he moved at a faster pace. I neared my peak and screaming his name louder.

"Shawn!" I cried out and he buried his head into my neck.

He rolled next to me and our breaths were heavy.

"Baby, I love you so much," he hummed and I wrapped myself around him.

"And I love you Shawn," I mumbled while drifting off to sleep in his arms.

"Forever?" I heard him say and I nodded against his chest.

"Forever and always," I whispered and finally closed my eyes.

I was finally home.

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