It Ain't Me.

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"Babe come cuddle with me," I heard Shawn pour as I got changed into so pajamas.

"I'm sorry, but can't a woman get ready for bed in peace?" I teased while slipping off my bra underneath one of Shawn's large shirts.

"I don't see what you need to get ready for...just take off your clothes and jump in bed with me," he chuckled and I shook my head while turning back around to go to bed.

"Haha very funny," I said sarcastically while sticking my tongue out at him.

I got into bed and tucked my self in the sheets while feeling Shawn's arm pull me into his chest.

"I love you, you know that right?" He whispered while placing a gentle kiss on my head.

"I know, and I love you...forever," I mumbled while kissing his chest.

"Forever and always," he said and held me tighter.

For as tight as he always hold me, this one was different. I pulled away and looked up at him to see a different expression on his face.

"Shawn, what wrong?" I questioned and he shook his head.

" I'm fine," he mumbled and I placed one of my hands on the side of his face.

"Tell me," I said while placing a small kiss on his lips to assure him that everything will be alright.

"It's just...what if something changes between us?" He asked and my mind went blank.

"How could anything change?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"Well with me and Camila pretending to date and us being apart for a long's just-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his.

"Just nothing...I'll still be here for you no matter what. I don't care about how long you'll be gone...I mean sure, I'll miss you like crazy, but I'll always be here waiting for you...I promise," I said and let a small tear fall from my eye as he pressed his lips against mine again.

"Thank you Alexis," he whispered while pulling me into his chest again.

"I love you...always," I whispered and he smiled.

"And I love you...forever and always," he whispered back while kissing my lips again.

The whole night we didn't think about leaving each others sides. We just made our small amount of time together the most memorable it could ever be. Nothing could ever change my feelings for him. Even if we'll be apart and he'll technically be dating another girl, it doesn't matter. Because I'll always still love him the same way. Always.


I woke up to see Shawn laying on top of me as usual, and I smiled down at him. I heard him humming a song as his fingers traced along my rib cage.

"What are you humming about?" I asked and he let out a small sigh.

"It's nothing," he whispered while moving his fingers up to my cheek.

"Well it seemed like something," I said with a small laugh and he looked up at me.

"It's nothing...really," he whispered while moving up closer to me.

"Okay...whatever you say," I trailed off and moved my hands so that I would be holding his sides.

"So what are we going to do today?" He asked while combing his fingers through my hair.

"Doesn't long as I'm with you," I said with a smile and he laughed.

"Well we're going to a concert...and this time you're staying the whole show," Shawn chuckled while moving himself up from the bed.

"Oh we are? And who is performing exactly?" I said as I sat up in bed.

"You'll have to wait and see," he smiled as he started to dress himself.

"Okay...fine," I sighed as I got up from the bed to get ready.

"Dress nice beautiful," he chuckled and I saluted at him.

"Your wish is my command Mr. Mendes," I giggled and he just shook his head.


We were at the arena for about thirty minutes, and Shawn said that it was time for him to leave. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and wished him good luck as he ran off into thin air.

"So technically two more days?" I heard Andrew ask and I nodded.

"You gonna be okay without him for that long?" He asked and I nodded again.

"You know, Shawn and I were talking earlier about the whole Camila thing, and I think we've got things settled," he said and I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean? Their supposedly dating," I mumbled and he nodded.

"Oh trust me Alexis, there's more in store for you than you realize because like I said...Shawn has this all picked out," he said and I nodded.

"Right...I'm just gonna act like I know what you're saying," I teased and he just chuckled.

"No wonder Shawn says he so lucky to have you," Andrew mumbled and I couldn't help but blush.

I didn't really want to express what I was feeling because I knew what they would say. All that was running through my body was sadness. I couldn't bare the thought of being apart from Shawn, but I had to.

I had to be without him, and I'll have to deal with it for the rest of his tour. I try to convince myself that I'll be fine...that we'll both be fine, but I didn't buy any of it.

I could tell Shawn felt the same way...I could see it in his eyes. I could see the pain and sorrow that would fill his eyes each time he would look at me. He was leaving me for seven months.

I don't know how I'll be able to deal with the pain of him not being by my side especially for that long. I mean we didn't even make it through three months. Who knows what's going to happen to us while he's gone.

More and more people arrived while I rambled through the thoughts in my head. I could feel my heart slowly start to tear as the three last days I had with Shawn were slowly coming to an end. We were soon let into the arena, and took our seats in the front row.

It was starting to get loud now as more people started to arrive. The lights started to go dim and it was already 9:30. The lighting was so low that we couldn't see a thing. There was no more sunlight so we weren't aware of our surroundings.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We'd like to welcome back someone who is currently on his first world tour, and who is about to make your night amazing! Please welcome the legend himself...Shawn Mendes!"

The whole crowd roared with cheers as more lights started to shine throughout the crowd. A few moments started.

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